The American Woman's Home

The American Woman's Home
by Catharine Esther Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe
Adopted by
Stephen H. Van Dyk
In honor of Lois and Raymond Chapman
on November 16, 2016
Frontispiece and title page of The American Woman's Home

The American woman's home: or, Principles of domestic science; being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes

By Catharine Esther Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe. New York: J.B. Ford and Co., 1869.

Dedicated "To the women of America, in whose hands rest the real destinies of the Republic." The Beecher sisters were pioneers in scientific kitchen planning, recommending a specific work area for preparation and cleanup, as well as, all the ideas taken for granted in the modern kitchens of today. The sisters anticipated the serventless household and concentrated on teaching contemporary homemakers how to cope with newly invented ranges, stoves, refrigerators, and other utensils and gadgets. With other chapters such as Economy Of Time And Expenses, The Propagation Of Plants, and Domestic Exercise; this is a bird's-eye view into the late 1800's home. 

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Adoption Type: Build and Access the Collection