Herrn Georgii Galgemairs Kurtzer Gründlicher Gebesserter unnd Vermehrter Underricht

Herrn Georgii Galgemairs kurtzer gründlicher gebesserter unnd vermehrter underricht
Adoption Amount: $3,850
Category: Build and Access the Collection
Location: Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology

Herrn Georgij Galgemairs Kurtzer gründlicher gebesserter vnnd vermehrter Vnderricht, Zubereitung vnd Gebrauch, der hochnutzlichen mathematischen : proportional Schregmäss vnd Circkels, benebens dem Fundament dess Visierens

By Georg. Galgemair. Zu Vlm: Bey Joh. Meder, MDCXV [1615].

Second, greatly expanded edition of a primer describing the construction & use of two instruments — a proportional compass (Circkel) and lineal compass (Schregmäß) — for the measurement of geometrical solids and lines, respectively. This 1615 edition is ninety-five pages longer than the initial pamphlet (1610), and substitutes an engraved plate for the second woodcut plate of the first edition. The construction of the instruments is described and the geometry and measurement of increasingly complex solids and linear configurations are explained.

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