Joys of Jell-O Gelatin Dessert

Joys of Jell-O Gelatin Dessert
by General Foods Corporation
Adopted for Conservation by
Barbara Werther
In honor of Shirley Werther
on November 16, 2016
Front cover of Joys of Jell-o gelatin dessert

Joys of Jell-o gelatin dessert

By General Foods Corporation. White Plains, NY: General Foods, 1963.

This is the first of many editions of The Joys of Jell-o gelatin dessert. It includes many striking color illustrations. Before the invention of gelatin in a powdered form by Jell-o in 1897, making gelatin was time-consuming, expensive, and reserved for the well-to-do. The affordability of Jell-o actually shifted the socio-economic consumption of gelatin to the average consumer. By the 1920s, with the advent of electric refrigeration, the popularity of gelatin desserts soared. Then in the 1930s, congealed salads both sweet and savory entered the domestic scene. It can easily be argued that the 1950s saw the high renaissance of Jell-o usage, making this 1963 cookbook a shining example of the Baroque period of gelatin masterworks. Try the "jewel-like" Ring-Around-the-Tuna or the Plum Pudding with prunes and Grape-Nuts for "a make-ahead holiday dessert that's simple to prepare." At the back of the book, copper-tone molds can be ordered for under a dollar and three Jell-o package fronts. They look great hanging in your kitchen, too!

Condition and Treatment: 

A mid-20th century spiral bound cookbook. It is currently housed in an envelope that is not adequate to protect the fragile binding. Conservators will re-house the cookbook in a custom enclosure.

Discover more about this book in our Catalog.

Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future