Heralds of Science

illustration of two cherubs holding a crown over the title of the book Dialogo di Galileo Galilei

In 1955 Bern Dibner, the noted science book collector and founder of the Burndy Library, published Heralds of Science as Represented by Two Hundred Epochal Books and Pamphlets Selected from the Burndy Library.  To construct the list, Dibner selected two hundred items he owned that “proclaimed new truths or hypotheses in science.” Two hundred titles, he felt, was an adequate number to represent the great achievements while not being too many to overwhelm the average layperson interested in science.  More...


Cover of Experiments upon vegetables

Experiments upon vegetables

Ingenhousz, Jan
Printed for P. Elmsly ... and H. Payne

29. Photosynthesis Discovered

Cover of Études sur les glaciers text v.

Études sur les glaciers text v.

Agassiz, Louis
En commission chez Jent et Gassmann, libraires
Cover of Francisci Vietæi Opera mathematica

Francisci Vietæi Opera mathematica

Viète, François
Apud Franciscum Bouuier

105. This work is the first part of an uncompleted larger series on geometry.

Cover of Grundlagen der Chemie

Grundlagen der Chemie

Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich; Jawein, L.; Thillot, A.
Verlag von Carl Ricker

48. The Periodic Law

Cover of Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete

Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete

Gilbert, William; Wright, Edward
Excudebat Petrus Short
anno MDC [1600]

54. Magnetism and Electricity

Cover of Gum-elastic and its varieties

Gum-elastic and its varieties v. 1-2 (1853)

Goodyear, Charles
Published for the author

47. Vulcanized Rubber

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

Cover of Historia plantarum v 1

Historia plantarum v 1

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 2

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 3

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Improvements in apparatus employed in wireless telegraphy

Improvements in apparatus employed in wireless telegraphy

Marconi, Guglielmo, marchese; Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company.; Great Britain. Patent Office; Malby & Sons,
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Malcomson & Co., Ltd

72. Wireless

Cover of Instruction sur les mesures déduites de la grandeur de la terre

Instruction sur les mesures déduites de la grandeur de la terre

France. Commission temporaire des poids & mesures républicaines; Haüy, René Just; France. Convention nationale.
De l'Imprimerie de Saphoux
an 2 [i.e. 1793 or 1794]

This is the first edition of the official manual of the metric system and the first description of the system as it exists today.

Cover of Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V

Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V

Kepler, Johannes; Ptolemy; Fludd, Robert
sumptibus Godofredi Tampachii ..., excudebat Ioannes Plancus
anno MDCXIX [1619]

6. Third Law
