Ioannis Poleni in Gymnasio Patavino Matheseos Prof. ... Epistolarum Mathematicarum Fasciculus

Ioannis Poleni in Gymnasio Patavino Matheseos Prof. ... Epistolarum Mathematicarum Fasciculus
by Giovanni Poleni
Adopted for Conservation by
Mark Pankin
In honor of Nicholas James Perdue on the Date of His Birth 9/13/2012
on September 13, 2012
Ioannis Poleni in gymnasio Patavino matheseos prof. ... Epistolarum mathematicarum fasciculus.

Ioannis Poleni in gymnasio Patavino matheseos prof. ... Epistolarum mathematicarum fasciculus

By Giovanni Poleni. Patavii: Ex Typographia Seminarii, 1729.

Poleni as a young man showed brilliance in a wide variety of different subjects and it was clear that he was extraordinarily talented. His parents encouraged him to begin a judicial career, but after being introduced to mathematics and science by his father, it was clear that he had now found the subjects which gave him the most satisfaction. His published works appeared also in these fields.

Condition and Treatment: 

This book is generally in good condition, but needs a drop-spine box.

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Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future