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Horticulture and Gardening

There 4 books available for adoption.

Cover of Biggle Orchard Book: Fruit and Orchard Gleanings from Bough to Basket

Biggle Orchard Book

Preserve for the Future - $350
This pocket sized book is part of the Biggle Farm Library, a collection of numerous volumes that cover a gamut of agricultural topics from gardening to beekeeping to raising pigs and horses. The author, Jacob Biggle, states that his book “aims to tell the inquiring reader just what he or she needs...Read More
Garden design diagrams

Das Heidelberger Schloss und Seine Garten in Alter und Neuer Zeit, und der Schlossgarten zu Schwetzingen

Preserve for the Future - $550
This rare history and illustrated guide to two German Baroque gardens, the title of which translates to: The Heidelberg Castle and its Gardens in Old and New Times, and the Castle Garden to Schwetzingen, was written by Hermann Robert Jung. Jung was a landscape architect and...Read More
Cover of The Gardens of Kijkuit

The Gardens of Kijkuit

Preserve for the Future - $500
Elizabeth Woodburn, a well known 20th century American botanical rare book collector, considered The Gardens of Kijkuit a wonderful example of a pictorial book on one estate and its grounds. The book documents John D. Rockerfeller’s estate, cicra 1919, in upstate New York called Kijkuit, Dutch for...Read More
Title page of The Grapes of New York

The Grapes of New York

Preserve for the Future - $550
U. P. Hedrick was a horticulturist at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York in 1905 when he began writing the first of many monographs of fruit cultivars that could be grown in New York State.  The Grapes of New York is the first of his many works. The...Read More