Nice Tú Meet You


Nice Tú Meet You focuses on Latinx cultures from Central America and the Caribbean through the regions’ music and stories. Four fictional teen narrators tell their families' histories and how it connects to their current lives in America. Students will use intuitive technology to discover real-world stories about the connection between bananas and the Panama Canal, the history of corn in Mesoamerica, the blending of religions in the Caribbean, and the significance of Bomba music in Puerto Rico. This Traveling Trunk  is an education resource designed to connect people across cultures and communities. Packaged as an immersive experience, Nice Tú Meet You provides access to free, tactile, multimedia content to your learners.

Grades: 5-8
Cost: Free

Note: This trunk relies on users being able to scan QR codes and watch videos. We recommend your group has at least 4 wifi or cellular enabled smart devices to engage in this program. 

The Nice Tú Meet You Traveling Trunk is a collaboration between Smithsonian Libraries and Archives and Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. Image and research resources were sourced across the Smithsonian Institution, with particular help from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the National Museum of the American Indian, the National Museum of American History, and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Special thanks to the Smithsonian Latino Center and the Office of the Undersecretary of Education who funded the construction of this program. Traveling Trunks is a program of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives Education Department.

Click on each character's profile to get a taste of the Nice Tú Meet You experience!

Victor's Social Media Kamila's Social Media
Mia's Social Media Hugo's Social Media

The first four Learning Lab collections below are digital replicas of the materials in the trunks. 

The second four collections ("extension") are meant to extend learning on the four topics covered in the trunk.

Mexico Companion Learning Lab

Cuba Companion Learning Lab

Puerto Rico Companion Learning Lab

Panama Companion Learning Lab

Mexico Extension Learning Lab

Cuba Extension Learning Lab

Puerto Rico Extension Learning Lab

Panama Extension Learning Lab


Special thanks to Ariel Williams and Julius Alfaro, our wonderful voice actors.

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