This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Fabrics". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages1 2 next › last » Image Gallery Beach ensemble with live model, including swimsuit, robe, umbrella, and blanket designed by Mary Nowitsky. Circular window display of different fabrics. France, 1925-35. Display booth. France, 1927. Fabrics arranged in silver circles and rods at a fair held in Au Printemps department store. Display case. France, 1927. Handwoven silk and wool fabrics by Hélène Henry, designer and maker. Display exhibition. Paris, n.d. Floor covered in white linen with female nude sculptures and glitter positioned atop. Le Grand Maison de Blanc... Display exhibition. Paris, n.d. Floor covered in white linen with female nude sculptures and glitter positioned atop. Le Grand Maison de Blanc... Display fixture. France, 1925-35. Swinging panels of natural caroline (Aviation wood) in a series of racks. Dressing Salon of Madame Lipska.Madame... Display stand. France, 1925-35. Fabrics are geometrically displayed. Made by Siégel. Display stands for fabrics. France, 1925-35. Designed for Foire de Lyonusing geometric lines with shafts of light by Siégel. Draperies display design. France, 1925-35. Draperies shown in tapering shafts. Mery Frères, makers. Designed by Siégel. Fabric display in arrangement of silver rollers. France, 1927. Second annual fair of Foire des Arts Decoratifs Modernes, held by Au Printemps... Illuminated display case. France, 1931. Printed and woven drapery fabrics designed by Elise Djo-Bourgeois. Display designed by Georges Djo-Bourgeois. Mannequins in carved wood by Siégel for Galleries Lafayette department store. France, 1926. Mannequins. France, 1925-35. Dispalying fabrics by A. Levy, made by Siégel. Store display. France, 1925-35. Men's neckties and handkerchief on black and white mannequin. Siégel, designer. Store display. France, 1927. "Cocottes" display (Birds made by children out of folded paper). Exhibiting napkins and tablecloth for its annual white... Store Window display inspired by factory machinery. France, 1925-35. Wheel effects in black lacquer metal 'turned' by belts of silks. Made by Siégel. Wardrobe. France, circa 1926. Palissandre and maple. Jacques Adnet, designer. Window display of cotton goods shown at Paris department store. Paris, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabric. France, 1925-35. . Window display of different types of fabric. France, 1925-35. . Window display of different types of fabric. France, 1925-35. Made by Siégel. Window display of different types of fabric. France, 1925-35. Made by Siégel. Window display of different types of fabric. France,1925-35. Made by Siégel. Window display of different types of fabrics and lace. France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics and lace. France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics and lace. France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics and lace. France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics.France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics.France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics.France, 1925-35. Window display of different types of fabrics.France, 1925-35. Window display of fabrics. France, 1925-35. Au Printemps department store. Window display of fabrics. France, 1925-35. Au Printemps department store. Window display of fabrics. France, 1925-35. Exhibition stand of display designers at the Annual Foire de Paris. S Window display. France, 1925-25. "Bonsoir." Bed linen for the nursery at Au Printemps department store. Promotion for the annual White Sale. Window display. France, 1925-35. Bedding fabrics and linens. Window display. France, 1925-35. Different types of fabrics by Lainages Soieries. Window display. France, 1925-35. Different types of fabrics, with spools and piles of folded sheets. Window display. France, 1925-35. Display inspired by rural scenes. Figures of child, dog and sheep all created from bath towels. Designed by... Window display. France, 1925-35. Display inspired by rural scenes. Figures of child, dog and sheep all created from bath towels. Designed by... Window display. France, 1925-35. Display inspired by rural scenes. Figures of child, dog and sheep all created from bath towels. Designed by... Window display. France, 1925-35. Display inspired by rural scenes. Figures of child, dog and sheep all created from bath towels. Designed by... Window display. France, 1925-35. Draperies by Primavera design department of Au Printemps department store. Window display. France, 1925-35. Draperies, beach goods, etc. at Carge department store. Designed by Siégel. Window display. France, 1925-35. Fabrics and a life sized photo of a woman sewing with effect in window display. "White Sale" for Au Printemps... Window display. France, 1925-35. Fabrics, wallpapers and furniture. Window display. France, 1925-35. Fabrics. Window display. France, 1925-35. Groupings of sheets, towels and handkerchiefs. The White sale at Esders department store. Window display. France, 1925-35. Lace for the annual White Sale of Au Bon Marché deprtment store. Pages1 2 next › last »