The Rare Books of Abecedarium

Cover of the ABECEDARIUM book showing a dozen illustrated letters

Part history, part coloring book, and part guide to historic books, the Smithsonian Libraries’ Abecedarium: An Adult Coloring Book for Bibliophiles is a contemplative and inspiring way to experience art, science, and culture from the Renaissance through early modern times. Where possible, the rare books featured in Abecedarium were digitized cover-to-cover and are collected here for you to explore!

The Smithsonian Libraries is extremely grateful to all those who have supported this project, and especially to Mark Andrews for his deep and continued generosity.


Cover of Nouum Instrumentū omne

Nouum Instrumentū omne

Erasmus, Desiderius; Oecolampadius, Johann
In ædibus Ioannis Frobenij
mense februario. Anno. M.D. XVI. [1516]
Cover of Nouvelle architecture hydraulique ptie. 2

Nouvelle architecture hydraulique ptie. 2

Prony, R.
Chez Firmin Didot ..., de l'imprimerie de Didot fils aîne
Cover of Orazione recitata nell'Istituto delle scienze di Bologna

Orazione recitata nell'Istituto delle scienze di Bologna

Magnani, Antonio; Bodoni, Giambattista; Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna
Co'tipi Bodoniani
Cover of Questiones subtilissme Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis

Questiones subtilissme Scoti in metaphysicam Aristotelis

Duns Scotus, John; O'Fihely, Maurice, Archbishop of Tuam
Mandato [et symbol] exp esis ... Octaviani Scoti ... per Bonetum Locatell u
1497 duo decimo kalendas Decembris
Cover of Sommario di tutte le scientie

Sommario di tutte le scientie

Delfino, Domenico; Croce, Nicolò
Appresso Gabriel Gioloto de Ferrari
Cover of The Book of common prayer

The Book of common prayer

Church of England.; Baskerville, John
Printed by J. Baskerville ... by whom they are sold, and by B. Dod, Bookseller ... London
Cover of The color printer

The color printer

Earhart, John F.; Earhart & Richardson,
Cover of The Elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara

The Elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara

Euclid; Billingsley, Henry, Sir; Dee, John; Candale, François de Foix, comte de
Imprinted by I. Daye
Cover of Theatre des instrumens mathematiques & mechaniques

Theatre des instrumens mathematiques & mechaniques

Besson, Jacques, (Mathematician); Béroalde de Verville
Par Barthelmy Vincent
