The Body Electric

In the early 1800s the growing sciences of chemistry and electricity offered provocative new tools to help solve an ancient problem: what is the nature of life? The recent experiments of Luigi Galvani hinted at electricity as a life force.

Cover of An account of the late improvements in galvanism - with a series of curious and interesting experiments performed before the commissioners of the Fren

An account of the late improvements in galvanism

Aldini, Giovanni
Printed for Cuthell and Martin ... and J. Murray ... by Wilks and Taylor ...
Cover of Elements of chemical philosophy

Elements of chemical philosophy

Davy, Humphry, Sir
Printed for J. Johnson and Co. ...
Cover of The temple of nature, or, The origin of society - a poem, with philosophical notes

The temple of nature, or, The origin of society

Darwin, Erasmus
Printed by John W. Butler, and Bonsal & Niles, for Bonsal & Niles, Samuel Butler, and M. and J. Conrad & Co.