Montgomery, James

Cover of Poems on the abolition of the slave trade

Poems on the abolition of the slave trade

Bowyer, Robert; Montgomery, James; Grahame, James; Benger, E.
Printed for R. Bowyer by T. Bensley
Cover of If you look in her eyes

If you look in her eyes

Hirsch, Louis A.; Harbach, Otto; Montgomery, James; Cohan, George M.; Harris, Sam; M. Witmark & Sons; Bella C. Landauer Collection of Aeronautical Sheet Music (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries)
M. Witmark & Sons
Cover of Going up

Going up

Hirsch, Louis A.; Harbach, Otto; Cohan, George M.; Harris, Sam; Montgomery, James; M. Witmark & Sons; Bella C. Landauer Collection of Aeronautical Sheet Music (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries)
M. Witmark & Sons
Cover of Poems on the abolition of the slave trade

Poems on the abolition of the slave trade

Bowyer, Robert; Montgomery, James; Grahame, James; Benger, E.
Printed for R. Bowyer by T. Bensley
Cover of If you look in her eyes

If you look in her eyes

Hirsch, Louis A.; Harbach, Otto; Montgomery, James; Cohan, George M.; Harris, Sam; M. Witmark & Sons; Bella C. Landauer Collection of Aeronautical Sheet Music (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries)
M. Witmark & Sons
Cover of Going up

Going up

Hirsch, Louis A.; Harbach, Otto; Cohan, George M.; Harris, Sam; Montgomery, James; M. Witmark & Sons; Bella C. Landauer Collection of Aeronautical Sheet Music (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries)
M. Witmark & Sons
Cover of Ev'rybody ought to know how to do the tickle toe new society dance from the musical play Going up

Ev'rybody ought to know how to do the tickle toe

Hirsch, Louis A.; Newberger, Adolph; Harbach, Otto; Butt, Alfred; Montgomery, James; Gaiety Theatre (London, England); M. Witmark & Sons; Bella C. Landauer Collection of Aeronautical Sheet Music (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries)
B. Feldman & Co