Plinius Secundus Nouocomensis equestribus militiis industriȩ functus, procurationes quoq[ue] splendidissimas atq[ue] continuas summa integritate administrauit

Pliny, the Elder
Johannes de Spira, [Venice, before 18 Sept. 1469]
75. This is the first edition of this work (one of 100 printed in 1469) and arguably the first printed scientific text. The Natural History is an encyclopedic work that discusses the sum total of our knowledge about the world and continued to have a great influence up through the Middle Ages.
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75. This is the first edition of this work (one of 100 printed in 1469) and arguably the first printed scientific text. The Natural History is an encyclopedic work that discusses the sum total of our knowledge about the world and continued to have a great influence up through the Middle Ages.