History and Culture Collections Books Images Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 Sewing Machines: Historical Trade Literature in Smithsonian Collections Documenting Diversity The Art of African Exploration Fantastic Worlds Chasing Venus: Observing the Transits of Venus 1631-2004 From Horses to Horsepower: Studebaker Helped Move a Nation Seed and Nursery Catalogs Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web Cultivating America’s Gardens By Aeroplane to Pygmyland Seed and Nursery Catalogs Nile Notes of a Howadji: American Travelers in Egypt, 1837 - 1903 Doodles, Drafts & Designs: Industrial Drawings from the Smithsonian Instruments for Science From Smithson to Smithsonian: The Birth of an Institution Zoos: A Historical Perspective Taking to the Skies: The Wright Brothers & the Birth of Aviation Underwater Web: Cabling the Seas Highlights of the NMAAHC Library Collection Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web Trade Literature Collection United States Exploring Expedition Parcel Post: Delivery of Dreams Magnificent Obsessions Make the Dirt Fly! Building the Panama Canal Shedding Light on New York Samuel P. Langley: Aviation Pioneer (Part 1) Incunabula in the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology Finding Aid to Postal Files at the NPM Library Displaying 1 - 60 of 60 The ariel waltz The American journal of the medical sciences n.s. 60 The real Sir Richard Burton Indians at work The American journal of philately vol. 2 Indians at work v. 5 no. 8 (1938: Apr.) 1895-1905 American journal of pharmacy v. 52 = 4th ser. v. 10 1880 My brother, Theodore Roosevelt Le costume, les armes, les bijoux, la céramique, les Dans le Sud-Africain et au seuil de l'Afrique Centrale Merchants record and show window v. 43 1918 Les Timbres-poste ruraux de russie Manners, culture and dress of the best American society, Timehri v. 3 1884 Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1863 Astronomical observations made at Hudson Observatory, [Discorso della philosofia naturale e morale] Monthly nautical magazine, and quarterly review Official list no. 27 The American philatelist Die Sitten der Völker Bd. 3 Anpao kin = v. 17 no. 2 Jan. 1901 Almanach du timbre-poste Machinists and blacksmiths journal v. 11 no. 7 May 1874 Bulletin no. 32 (1906) Psychology The Coach-makers' magazine v.1 (1855) The Artizan v. 19 1861 Rapport général administratif et technique Bulletin no. 120 (1938) Jacquard mechanism and harness mounting World's Fair photographs Spalding's base ball guide, and official league book Die Marken von Kaschmir Objets d'art et paintures de la Chine et du Japon Kelly's gone to kingdom come! Illustrated catalogue of a selection of antiques and objets Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year Calais-Douvres Statement by the Secretary 1984 Le Costume ancien et moderne Asie v. 1 Cassier's magazine v. 15 Nov. 1898-Apr. 1899 The Books of the twelve Minor Prophets Les Maures de l'Afrique occidentale française Anpao = v. 42 no. 5 July/Aug. 1931 Industry Jan-June 1895 Alexander Graham Bell letter to L.T. Stanley, dated Die Geschichte von der Post Electric toy making for amateurs Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Map of Valentia The Hudson-Fulton celebration, 1909 Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine- Taima mandara sōgensho v. 7 Spécimen des caractères de la fonderie normale à Nachatki khristīanskago uchenīi͡a Catalogue de tableaux anciens et modernes parmi lesquels, Trade on the Gold Coast Letters Displaying 1 - 60 of 60 Tabula quinta de anathomia from Fasciculus medicine in quo continentur: videlicet Various vegetables and fruits from John A. Salzer Seed Co.'s abridged catalogue of plants, Rose "sunburst" from Conard & Jones co. floral guide Snake in wooded setting Various fruits and flowers from Lovett's guide, 1896 Skull. Depiction from Samuel Morton's 19th century phrenological study of North and South Image from Jacobi Bernoulli profess. basil. & utriusque societ. ... Ars conjectandi, opus Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains Three-phase railway, Lugano from The Street railway journal. Children harvesting wheat from Seeds, plants, and bulbs, 1892 Annotated page from Travels through the states of North America. Quiriguá, an archaeological site in southeastern Guatemala Menché. Archaeological site in Guatemala Blaeuw-1640. "M. Garnerin's Ascent and Descent with his Balloon and Parachute" from Air Balloon Figur 278. Ausstellung der Direktion der Koniglich Bayerischen Posten und Telegraphen Ancient Mayan city of Copán. Vol. I , Fig. 241. Completed Rocket Fig. 6-2 (d). Set-up diagram for computation ... PX-10-402 (d) Zoological Geography - Aves Front cover of Wm. Elliot & sons general catalog for 1895 Storm van's Gravesande-1748. Original publisher's cloth cover with full pictorial of man fly fishing with net. Image from Biologia Centrali-Americana, or, Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora Le zebre femelle [female zebra] Reception of Indians at the White House Marbled flyleaf The Borda Repeating Circle from The measure of the world. 3 initials on a page from Johann Müller Regiomontanus (1436-1476)Kalendarium (Calandar book) M.P., CU & I.U. Interconnection Diagram. PX-1-301 Transporting obelisks from Della trasportatione dell'obelisco vaticano Portrait of U.S. Grant The Temple of Rameses III at Medinet Habu (plan) Partial view of the Dingee & Conard Company's establishment, West Grove, PA Two figures examining jars, and early pharmacy from Kleines Distillierbuch French costumes from Geschichte des Kostüms. IBM Reader Plug Board PX-11-305 R1 Map of tradewinds New dwarf sweet pea "pink cupid" from Burpee's farm annual, 1898 Perrier's Distilling Apparatus, Hope's Printing Press Stamp forgeries of: Mozambique, Nevis, Panama Roses from Condensed catalogue of special offers in choice plants, seeds, & fruits, 1897 Sweet peas and pansies from C. E. Allen plant and seed guide Quiriguá, an archaeological site in southeastern Guatemala Fifth street frontage of W. Atlee Burpee & Com's seed warehouse, Philadelphia Egovero annis Applying force to objects from De beghinselen der weeghconst Die Elektronenrakete Franz Abdon Ulinskis from Die Möglichkeit der Weltraumfahrt Skull. Depiction from Samuel Morton's 19th century phrenological study of North and South Front cover of D. M. Ferry & Co. seed annual, 1878 Model of Sanitary Dairy Leather bound front cover of Cristiani Hugenii Zulichemii, Const. f. Systema Saturnium Menché. Archaeological site in Guatemala Cover, showing the ornate design in blues and gold often favored by designers of Egyptian travel Vol. I , Fig. 249. Complted Rocket - August 31, 1927 Image from Jacobi Bernoulli profess. basil. & utriusque societ. ... Ars conjectandi, opus Running the telegraph, Darien expedition IBM gang punch plug board PX-12-305R Group of Esquimaux from Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from Heights attained by various aeroplanes at the time of going to press compared with the height of St