Image ID: SIL-SIL-Bonney-IOP001-A
Cite this: Bonney, Therese. 1925. Therese Bonney photographs, 1925-1937.
Supplied Caption: Paris, France, 1927. Man's office in the Salon of the Société des Artistes Décorateurs. Several panels of white curtains with straight overdrapes in a Rodier fabric in Parthenon pink with brown variegated pattern. Chair, with a mahogany base. upholstered inside in pink velvet and outside in same Rodier patterned fabric as the curtains. Bookcase and table in mahogany. Table topped gray and white marble. Gray velvet carpet. Walls upholstered in burlap. Léon-Émile Bouchet (1880-1940), designer, for G.E. Dennery.