Press Releases
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Smithsonian Institution Libraries 40th Anniversary Ruby Red Gala, “Paint the Town REaD!,” will be held the evening of Oct. 30 at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture. The event aims to increase awareness and raise funds for the Institution’s libraries. The libraries support the needs of the Institution’s curators and researchers and are active public educators. The exhibition program and the digital library initiative bring rare and valuable works from the libraries’ collection to a global audience through the Internet.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Rare, beautifully illustrated 18th century books—the first to depict the plants and animals of Britain’s American colonies and describe their environmental relationships—will be on view on Monday, June 9 at the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery of Art for one day only at the Washington premiere of “The Curious Mr. Catesby.”
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Thomas Garnett, associate director for Digital Library and Information Systems for the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, has been named the first Program Director of the Biodiversity Heritage Library. He has coordinated the Biodiversity Heritage Library initiative since its inception in 2004. He begins his new position March 31.
Monday, May 5, 2008
More than two centuries of natural history illustrations from the collections of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries are featured in a 300-page volume recently released by Assouline Publishing. The book, “Botanicals,” brings to life stunning hand-colored engravings, etchings and lithographs of flowers, fruits and butterflies.
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Smithsonian Institution Libraries will host the 2006 Dibner Library Lecture on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 5 p.m. in the Commons of the Smithsonian Castle. In commemoration of the anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s birth, Joyce E. Chaplin, the James Duncan Phillips Professor of Early American History at Harvard University, will be the guest speaker. A specialist in early American history, Chaplin is the author of “The First Scientific American: Benjamin Franklin and the Pursuit of Genius” (2006).