This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Art, Chinese". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Book Altes und Neues aus chinesischen Kunstgebieten : Vortrag gehalten in der Gesellschaft für Ostasienforschung, Schanghai, am 21. Februar 1916 Catalogue of a loan exhibition of ancient Chinese paintings, sculptures and jade objects from the collection formed by Charles Lang Freer and given by him to the nation through The Smithsonian Institu c. 3 Catalogue of arms and armor of old Japan Catalogue of the Avery collection of ancient Chinese cloisonnés Chinese art Chotscho : facsimile-wiedergaben der wichtigeren Funde der ersten königlich preussischen Expedition nach Turfan in Ost-Turkistan, im Auftrage der Generalverwaltung der Königlichen Museen aus Mitteln des Baessler-Institutes Chōshunkaku kanshō Chōshunkaku kanshō Chōshunkaku kanshō v.2 Chōshunkaku kanshō v.3 Chōshunkaku kanshō v.4 Chōshunkaku kanshō v.5 Chōshunkaku kanshō v.6 Confucius and his portraits Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Memorial exhibition, Freer Gallery of Art Exhibition of Japanese and Chinese works of art Fifth presentation of the Charles Lang Freer medal, September 11, 1973 Hand-book of a unique collection of ancient and modern Korean and Chinese works of art, procured in Korea during 1883-1886 Illustrated catalogue of a remarkable collection of early Chinese pottery porcelains and bronzes of the Han, T'Ang, Sung, Yuan and Ming dynasties including many mortuary objects which rank in archaeological importance with the specimens found in Egyptian Illustrated catalogue of an important collection of ancient Chinese art treasures comprising direct importations and rare specimens from the J. Pierpont Morgan and other famous collections Illustrated catalogue of ancient Chinese and Japanese paintings, screens, prints, Chinese porcelains, wood carvings, and gold lacquers from the collection of ... Bunkio Matsuki of Boston, Mass. ... : to be sold February 25th and 26th, 1910 Illustrated catalogue of the important collection of antique Chinese porcelains, Sung and Ming potteries, ancient stone sculptures carved jades and other hard stones snuf bottles, Mandarin necklaces, bronzes, enamels, palace furniture and wall panels and Imperial Chinese art : an illustrated catalogue of writings and paintings by the Chinese Emperors, Empresses and Princes dating from the T'ang Dynasty to the end of the Ch'ing Dynasty (A.D. 618-1912) L'art chinois La peinture chinoise et l'art bouddhique tibétain au Musée Guimet Masterpieces in Chinese national art c.1 Masterpieces of Chinese and Japanese art New perspectives on Chu culture during the Eastern Zhou period c.2 Objets d'art Chine : collection L. Wannieck : Paris, fevrier 1911 Objets d'art Chine : collection L. Wannieck : Paris, mars 1913 The bird chariot in China and Europe The flight of the dragon The Freer Gallery of Art v. 1 The Freer Gallery of Art v. 2 The John H. Webster collection : on public exhibition from November 22, 1913, at the Anderson Galleries Utställningen af äldre kinesisk konst : anordnad af Konsthistoriska Institutet vid Stockholms Högskola, December 1918-Januari 1919 : katalog