This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Frames". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Image Gallery 17th century German mirror. Paris, 1931. Cut-crystal over metal. 18th century German frames. Paris, 1931. Gilded gesso on wood, shown at a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. Cheval glass mirror. France, circa 1930. Silvered metal frame fitted into light wood base. Lucien Rollin, designer. Crystal picture frame. France, n.d. René Lalique, designer/maker. French picture frames. France,1931. Gallery view of a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. French Restoration mirror. Paris, 1931. Shown in a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Hanging mirror-shelf console. France, circa 1928. Two types of mahogany (mahogany and bibenga). René Gabriel, designer. Louis XV mirror above fireplace mantel. France, photographed circa 1930. Savoye residence. Mirror in frame. Paris, photographed 1931. Frame having belonged to Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642). Shown at a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie... Mirror in frame. Paris, photographed 1931. Polished metal with redwood bands. Mirror sculpture. Paris, 1927. Robert Mallet-Stevens residence. Joël and Jan Martel, sculptors. Mirror/shelf console. France, circa 1928. Polished metal. Etienne Kohlmann, designer. Modern French picture frames. France,1931. Gallery view of a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. Multi-panel mirror lighted from behind. France, circa 1926. René Joubert and Philippe-Etienne Petit, designers. Picture frame. France, 1925-30. Polished frame by Pierre Legrain, designer. Painting by Cochet. Picture frame. France, 1931. French shagreen and matte polished metal. Picture frame. Germany, 1931. Gilded Louis XVI frame in the collection of Pierre David-Weill. Picture frame. Paris 1931. 20th century German frame holding oil painting at a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Picture frame. Paris, 1931. 18th century German frame in gilded wood at a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Picture frame. Paris, 1931. Mahogany and dark metal frame. Painting by Pablo Picasso, ex. Collection Jacques Doucet. Round mirror. France, circa 1925. Matte-finished nickel-plated bronze. Diameter 50 cm. Segmented mirror over Louis XV fireplace mantel. France, circa 1925. Ralph Barton residence. Spanish mirror frame. Paris,1931. 17th century wood frame painted red and green. Spanish mirror frames. Paris,1931. 17th century wood frames painted red and green in frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Spanish picture frames. Paris,1931. Gallery view of a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Spanish picture frames. Paris,1931. Gallery view of a 1931 frame exhibition at Galerie Georges Petit. Table-top dressing mirror. France, circa 1933. Polished-metal frame on an adjustable stand. Table-top dressing mirror. France, circa 1933. Polished-metal frame on an adjustable stand. Compagnie des Arts français, designer. Wrought-iron mirror frame. Tours, France, circa 1928. Slides on a pleated metal strip attached to the lighting system. Ivory handle. Grand-Hôtel,...