This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "French sculpture". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.

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Maquette for a maritime monument. France, 1931. Micot, sculptor

Maquette for a maritime monument. France, 1931. Micot, sculptor.

Sculpture, "Hamlet". France, circa 1926. Silver sheet-metal and wire. Suzanne Fontan, sculptor.

Sculpture, "Le Vaincu". France, 1925-34. Alfredo Pinn, Italian sculptor.

Sculpture, (detail) Companile of the Church of Villemoble. St. Louis, patron saint. Villemoble, France, 1927. Sarrabezolles, sculptor.

Sculpture, (detail) of monument. France, circa 1929. Commemorates the Defense of the Canal de Suez. Raymond Delamarre, sculptor.

Sculpture, (detail) of monument. France, circa 1929. Commemorates the Defense of the Canal de Suez. Raymond Delamarre, sculptor.

Sculpture, abstraction. France, 1925-35. Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor.

Sculpture, abstraction. France, 1925-35. Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor.

Sculpture, abstraction. France, circa 1925. Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor.

Sculpture, abstraction. France, circa 1931. Metal mounted on wood. Francis Jourdain, sculptor.

Sculpture, bronze head. France, 1925-35. Henri Édouard Navarre, sculptor.

Sculpture, bust of Gustave Eiffel. Paris, circa 1920-29. Émile Antoine Bourdelle, sculptor.

Sculpture, bust of Russian mystic Rasputin. Naoum Aronson, Russian sculptor.

Sculpture, Commander René Guilbaud, pilot and flying ace. Vendée, France, 1931. Cement. Joël and Jan Martel, sculptors.

Sculpture, Companile of the Church of Villemoble. Villemoble, France, 1927. Sarrabezolles, sculptor.

Sculpture, dancer. France, 1925-35. Silver sheet-metal and wire. Suzanne Fontan, sculptor.

Sculpture, draped female figure. France, 1925-35. Henri Laurens, sculptor.

Sculpture, female figure with an umbrella riding a high-wheel bicycle. France, 1925-35. Sheet metal and wire. Colette Guéden, sculptor.

Sculpture, female figure. France, 1925-35. Seinard, sculptor.

Sculpture, female figure. France, 1925-35. Seinard, sculptor.

Sculpture, female figure. France, 1925-35. Seinard, sculptor.

Sculpture, female figure. France, circa 1926. Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor.

Sculpture, female nude. France, 1925-35. Aleksandr Archipenko, sculptor.

Sculpture, female nude. France, 1925-35. Figure holding a shell and child and standing on a turtle; child holds a fish. Sculptor unknown.

Sculpture, female nude. France, 1925-35. Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor.

Sculpture, figure in glass. France, circa 1929. Aristide Colotte, glass designer.

Sculpture, France, 1925-34. Alfredo Pinn, Italian sculptor.

Sculpture, France, circa 1925. Seated mother and child. Henry Ernest Parayre, sculptor.

Sculpture, golfer. France, 1926. Young, sculptor.

Sculpture, golfer. France, 1926. Young, sculptor.

Sculpture, head. 1925-35. White marble. Mateo Hernandez, Spanish sculptor.

Sculpture, horses and cart. France, 1926.Young, sculptor.

Sculpture, male figure and two Great Dane dogs. France, 1926. Young, sculptor.

Sculpture, male figure. France, 1925-35. Seinard, sculptor.

Sculpture, maquette of monument. France, circa 1929. Commemorates the Defense of the Canal de Suez, commissioned by the Compagnie Universelle du Canal...

Sculpture, maquette of monument. France, circa 1929. Commemorates the Defense of the Canal de Suez, commissioned by the Compagnie Universelle du Canal...

Sculpture, moveable globe and Atlas figure. France, 1925-35. Metal. Lucie Holt Le Son, designer.

Sculpture, primitive female dancer. France, circa 1929. Sheet metal and wire of a female figure with an umbrella riding a high-wheel bicycle. Colette...

Sculpture, seated female figure. France, 1925-35. Aleksandr Archipenko, sculptor.

Sculpture, self-portrait stone head. 1925-35. Mateo Hernandez, Spanish sculptor.

Sculpture, stone head. France, 1925-35. Henri Édouard Navarre, sculptor.

Sculpture, wrought iron Spanish dancer. France, circa 1926. Madeleine Sougez, sculptor.

Sculpture,"Femme Couchée". France, 1925-35. Henri Laurens, sculptor.

Sculpture,"Trace Perdue". France, 1925-35. Equestrienne mounted on a horse and three hunting dogs. Bouchard, sculptor. Made at Sèvres.