This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Hallmarks". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Book A list of early American silversmiths and their marks American silversmiths and their marks, III Chats on old Sheffield plate Chats on old silver Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen Early American silver marks English goldsmiths and their marks English goldsmiths and their marks English silver, 1675-1825 Gilda aurifabrorum Gilda aurifabrorum a history of English goldsmiths and plateworkers, and their marks stamped on plate Hall marks on gold & silver plate Hall marks on gold and silver plate Hall marks on gold and silver plate Hand book to foreign hall marks on gold and silver plate History of old Sheffield plate Marks of early American silversmiths Marks on gold & silver plate imported into the United Kingdom Old base metal spoons Old English plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic Old French plate Old London silver, its history, its makers and its marks Old plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic Old plate, its makers & marks Old silver platers and their marks Register The values of old English silver and Sheffeld plate