This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Indians of Mexico". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

View of the forest covering the higher structures

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Examples of the use of the head & scroll of the feathered serpent and of grotesque faces at Copan, at Quirigna.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Altar U. (Page 63) Inscription on the top back & sides drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Stela J. (Pages 53 & 54) North side. South side.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

a. Stela, 2. Photographs of face. b. Stela, 4. Fragments showing inscription. c. Stela, 4. Pedestals and (excavated) supports ...

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Altar T. (Pages 60_62) Drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

(a) Stela N. (Pages 55_57) North & east side. (b) Stela N. (Pages 55_57) South & east sides.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Altar Q. (Page 60) Inscription on the top of the altar photographed and drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Stela N. (Pages 55_57) South face.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

(a) Altar R. (Page 60) Drawn from the original sculpture in the South Kensington Museum. Altar S. (Page 60) Drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Altar T. (Pages 61_63) a. Top of altar, b. North side, drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum c. Sketch of the alligator like  animal restored and completed from the top and sides of the altar.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Maya calendar from the Codex Cortesianus (See Page 41). Mexican calendar from Plate 44 of the Fejervary Codex (See Page 41). Inscription from the back of the stone head figured on pages 44 & 47. Scheme of Mexican Calendar. Scheme of Maya Calendar.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Stela C. (Page 44) Inscription drawn from a plaster cast in the South Kensington Museum

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Stela 6. Side views, see Plate 107 and Page 67

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

End of step at A. Face of step in temple. Photograph of original sculpture in the South Kensington Museum. End of step on B. Drawing of the hieroglyphs under the figures and in the middle of the step, and details of other portions of the carving.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

a) Part of step & of serpent's head ornament on the west side of the inner doorway of temple. b & c) Parts of cornice from the east side of inner doorway in temple. Photographs of the original sculpture in the South Kensington Museum

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

(a) Stella D. and altar (Pages 45 - 47) south Side. (b) Altar north side.

Ancient Mayan city of Copán.

Plan of the ruins of Utatlan. See Pages 30-38.

Archaeological site in Guatemala

Plan of the ruins of Iximché. See Pages 30-38. Iximché. from MSS of Francisco Antonio Fuentes Y Gusman. See Page 37.

Archaeological site in Guatemala

(a) Casa de Monjas, range of chambers and upper stairway from north-east corner of terrace ... (b) Casa de Monjas, range of chambers and upper stairway from north-west corner of terrace ...

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Mound 13. Plate 2, Figures of (a) jaguar, (b) vulture, (c) dead jaguar, See Page 33. (d & e) Mound 14, Plate 2. Sculptured stone-facing of mound, See Page 34.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The great ball court. Temple A. Mural painting of battle. See Page 31.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) The colonnade, No. 21 (Plate 60), looking east. See Plate 64b, and Pages 39-40. (b) Temple, No. 25 (Plate 60), view on the western terrace. See Pages 34 and 41.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Temple No. 18 (Plate 60). Views on the western terrace. See Pages 34 and 38, 39.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) The court, No. 30 (Plate 60), the interior. See page 42. (b) The court, No. 30 (Plate 60), the exterior. See Page 42.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) View from terrace of Casa de Monjas, looking north. (b) Caracol, Plate 2, (No. 5) From the south, See pages, 20-22.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Temple No. 17 (Plate 60), showing the backs of the pillars and the broken altar (looking north) See Plate 62a and Pages 37-38. (b) Temple No. 17 (Plate 60), showing the backs of the pillars and the broken altar. See Plate 62a and Pages 37-38.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Casa de Monjas from the south west, Plate 2, No. 1, & Plate 3, See pages, 14-16. (b) Casa de Monjas from the south east, Plate 2, No. 1 & Plate 3, See pages, 14-19.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Casa de Monjas, view from the roof of house. ... (b) Case de Monjas, from the North East ...

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Casa Colorada, Plate 2, No. 7, from the north west, see pages, 22-23. (b) Casa Colorada, Plate 2, No. 7, from the south east, See pages, 22-23.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The great ball court. The ring fallen from the west wall, See page 25. The great ball court. Temple C, See Plate 26 and pages 25-26.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Casa de Monjas, detached building, (E, Plate 3) from the west, See pages 18-19.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Caracol, Plate 2 No. 5, from the south, See pages, 20-22. Casa Colorada, Plate 2. No. 7., plan and section, See pages, 22 23.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

AK at 'Cib. Plate 2. No. 4, See Pages 19-20. AK at 'Cib. Under surface of lintel of doorway marked x in plan. Drawn from a plaster cast. See pages 19-20. Outer surface of lintel, drawn from a plaster cast.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The great ball court. Temple A. The inner doorway. See Plates 34b & 36. and Page 30.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The great ball court. Temple A. The inner doorway. See Plate 34b & 37. and page 30.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Ground plan of caracol. Section through C-D. Plan of caracol and terraces ...

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Temple No. 17 (Place 60), part of the broken altar and the north face of the northern pilla. See Plate 61 & Pages 37 and 38. (b) Two stone frets found lying on the slope of temple mound No. 18 (Plate 60). See Plate 32 & Pages 29 and 39.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(a) Casa de Monjas, inscriptions on the lintels of doorways ... (b) Casa de Monjas, line of symbols over doorway in the east wing ... (c) Casa de Monjas, inscription oon lintel of doorway in the east wing ... are all drawn from plaster casts.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Casa de Monjas, eastern face of wing, Plate 3, See page 17.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The great ball court. The sculptured chamber E. Plate 27, the west wall. See Plate 44 & Pages 32-33.

Chichen Itza. Mayan archaeological site on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico


Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v. 1

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v. 4

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico v. 5

Antiquities of Mexico v. 5

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico v. 6

Antiquities of Mexico v. 6

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico v. 7

Antiquities of Mexico v. 7

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v.2 (1831)

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v.3 (1831)

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v.8 (1848)

Cover of Antiquities of Mexico - comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and

Antiquities of Mexico v.9 (1848)
