The Magic Island
The Lost Artwork of Hollywood
Whether romantic farces in black-and-white or western epics in Technicolor, movies from Hollywood's golden age were introduced to the world by entrancing posters. The Lost Artwork of Hollywood is a tribute to the illustrators and artists who created posters and other promotional materials to spark the imagination of the public. Focusing on movies of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, the book contains over 100 images from film promotional materials, many of them full-page reproductions.
A Separate Cinema
The gift of a single poster has swelled into a respected and comprehensive collection of more than 25,000 rare film posters, lobby cards, and photographs, resulting in what is now the Separate Cinema Archive. Started in 1972 and collected and maintained by the archive’s founder and professional photographer, John Kisch, the collection chronicles the historic and blustery journey of the Black film industry, Black actors and directors, and the struggle for African-American equality. Kisch collaborated with film historian Dr. Edward Mapp to create this companion book for the Archive in 1991.