Featuring Artists’ Books in a Museum’s Collection
Corcoran Students Visit Hirshhorn Museum to Study Library’s Artists’ Books
Jeremy Deller’s Artists’ Book “After the Gold Rush”
A Visit from Co-op City and an Artists’ Book for the Collection
Celebrating National Library Workers Day
This week (April 4-10, 2021) is National Library Week and Tuesday is set aside to celebrate National Library Workers Day. It’s a wonderful opportunity to highlight the important contributions made by all library staff. In honor of National Library Workers Day, we caught up with a few staff members to hear what they’ve been working on over the past year.
Explore the Past with a Learning Tool of the Future
When the Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building reopened in November 2021, it launched FUTURES, an ambitious, interactive exploration of what lies ahead for humanity. This building-wide exhibition is on view until July 7th, 2022 and highlights artworks, technologies, and ideas that look towards the future. Included in the exhibition is “Women in America: Extra and Ordinary”, an innovative classroom tool developed by Sara Cardello, our Head of Education.
The Bamboo Expert Who Rediscovered a Missing Grass
Argentine grass expert Dr. Cleofé E. Calderón (1929-2007) collected species, published descriptions of rare and unusual plants, and led workshops that helped shape the field of bamboo taxonomy. Affiliated with the Smithsonian for much of her agrostology career, Dr. Calderón’s legacy can be traced in collections across the Institution, including publications, field books, and photos in Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata: Adding Artist Files to Wikidata
This is the fourth part of a series sharing Smithsonian Libraries and Archives’ work with linked open data and Wikidata. For background and overview of current projects, see the first several posts in the series. This post was written in collaboration with Nilda Lopez, Reference Librarian at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Library, and a valued team member of the Artist Files Wikidata Pilot Project.
AVMPI: Curating a Diverse and Dynamic Audiovisual Collection
During American Archives Month, we’re highlighting the work of our Audiovisual Media Preservation Initiative in a series of posts. This is the second post in the series.
National Library Week: Accessing the Smithsonian Libraries from Anywhere
It’s National Library Week 2020! This year’s theme is “Find your place at the library.” While the Smithsonian Libraries has closed its 21 physical branches during the COVID-19 outbreak, our work continues. We invite you to find a place with us online through our virtual resources, continued services, and digital content. We are here to help you explore and discover from the comfort of your home–and we look forward to welcoming you back in person as soon as we can.
Art Deco: Graphic Design Resources at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Library
Research from Home: Providing Resources to Smithsonian Scientists
As the world faces the global challenge of COVID-19, the Smithsonian Libraries is working to provide research services and resources to our users around the world.
Supporting Research: A COVID-19 Citation Database
Open Access Week – How is the Smithsonian Doing?
In celebration of this year’s annual Open Access Week, the Smithsonian Research Online team will be releasing a new dashboard on our statistics page that includes data about the openness of Smithsonian research publications.
Sleuthing Captain America’s Shield
While the Smithsonian is referenced all the time in popular media, nothing goes hand-in-hand with the world’s largest museum complex quite like the world’s largest film franchise: the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). In that fictional world, the Avengers and the Smithsonian have had a somewhat rocky relationship, including a heist by Captain America to steal his old uniform from the National Air and Space Museum.
Spotlight on Jessie G. Beach, Smithsonian Department of Paleobiology Staff Member
This post was written by Lezlie Hernandez, a Summer 2021 intern at the Smithsonian Institution Archives, sponsored by the American Women’s History Initiative. Her project focused on researching the history of Smithsonian women in science.
Tracing Anthropologist Zelia Nuttall Through Smithsonian Collections
Anthropologist Zelia Maria Magdalena Nuttall was an expert in Mesoamerican people and artifacts. A remarkable Mexican American scholar, she helped change the conversation around pre-Columbian cultures. Many of her publications are held in the collections of S
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata: Using Linked Open Data to Connect Smithsonian Information
This post is part of our Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata series.
Upcoming Event: Women at Work
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating and disproportionate effect on working women, especially those of color and in the LGBTQ+ community. But even before the pandemic “overtook the globe in early 2020, inequities were holding women back in the workplace.” Yet women have still managed to contribute to America’s most defining moments and will certainly help tackle the biggest challenges we face, whether it’s the ongoing pandemic or the climate crisis.
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata: Plans Become Projects
This post is part of our Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata series.
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata: Smithsonian Research Online
This is the fifth part of a series sharing Smithsonian Libraries and Archives’ work with linked open data and Wikidata. For background and overview of current projects, see the first several posts in the series.
Library Descriptive Data Unleashed in SVDE: Making Data More Meaningful
Previously, we have shared one stream of Smithsonian Libraries and Archives’ linked data experiments, Wikidata, which is based on a Wiki platform. In this post, we share another linked data experiment that focuses on the traditional bibliographic data (the library catalog) transformation with the Shared Virtual Discovery Environment (SVDE) BIBFRAME project.
New Comic Honors Civil Rights Singer Bernice Johnson Reagon on Her 80th Birthday
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, together with the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, are excited to announce the publication of a new comic mini-zine about the work of musician and activist Bernice Johnson Reagon.
Smithsonian Collaborates With Prestel to Publish “Wild Flowers of North America”
What does it take to paint a wildflower that blooms for a single day in a deep forest? For Mary Vaux Walcott, it involved spending up to seventeen hours a day out of doors with her paintbox to capture the shape, movement, and colors of delicate petals and leaves.
Introducing the Audiovisual Media Preservation Initiative
During American Archives Month, we’re highlighting the work of our Audiovisual Media Preservation Initiative in a series of posts. This is the first post in the series.
Open Access Week and Smithsonian Research Online: An Update
Open Access Week is the perfect excuse to talk about a favorite topic of mine—making Smithsonian research more open!
Demystifying Information Literacy: From Buzzword to Classroom Resource
In the throes of my first year of pre-pandemic teaching, when I was fresh and green and hardly older (or taller!) than my students, the term Information Literacy meant something quite different to me, and surely to all of us, than it does now. Information Literacy was once a vague set of rules and tools that were scribbled aimlessly on a mental sticky note and stuck to the side of a metaphorical laptop – collecting dust in one’s periphery but never quite clearing into a sharp focus.
Summer 2023 Internships Opportunities with Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
We’re excited to announce a new round of internships for Summer 2023. These opportunities provide hands-on experience in a range of subject areas and are open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Each unique project offers a chance to explore current topics in archives, libraries, and information science and learn from experienced Smithsonian Libraries and Archives staff.
These internships include a variety of on-site and remote options, part-time and full-time. All include a stipend. The application deadline is February 13th, 2023.
The Ecology of Atlantic Shorelines
Even as our understanding of ecological systems evolve, there are touchstone texts that lay the foundations of our understanding. Ecology of Atlantic Shorelines by Mark Bertness is such a touchstone for these unique coastal ecosystems.