Books related to Handicraft Primary tabsAll Books(active tab) Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 301 - 400 of 471. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next › last » Madame Goubaud's point lace book Makers of early American silver Manuel de dessins pour crochet Manuel de l'amateur de porcelaines manufactures... Manuel de l'amateur de porcelaines manufactures... Manuel de l'amateur de porcelaines manufactures... Manuel de l'amateur de porcelaines, manufactures... Marks and monograms on European and Oriental pottery and... Marks and monograms on European and oriental pottery and... Marks and monograms on European and Oriental pottery and... Marks and monograms on pottery & porcelain of the... Marks of early American silversmiths Marks on gold & silver plate imported into the United... Matchsafes in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum,... Medieval Near Eastern ceramics in the Freer Gallery of Art Meissner Porzellan Meissner porzellan Memorials of Wedgwood Metals and metal-working in old Japan Ming porcelains in the Freer Gallery of Art Modern cabinetwork, furniture & fitments Motifs de broderie copte Motifs de broderie copte v. 1 Motifs de broderie copte v. 2 Motifs de broderie copte v. 3 Motifs for embroideries ser. 6 Motifs pour broderies ser. 1 Musée ceramique de Sèvres Muster altdeutscher Leinenstickerei Muster altdeutscher Leinenstickerei Muster altdeutscher Leinenstickerei Muster altitalienischer Leinenstickrei Muster altitalienischer Leinenstickrei Muster altitalienischer Leinenstickrei v. 2 Musterblätter für Gold- und Silber-Arbeiter und Juveliere New York Society of Ceramic Arts Nineteenth century jewelry Nineteenth-century English ceramic art Notes on arms and armor Old and new designs in crochet work Old and new designs in crochet work Old and new designs in crochet work Old and new designs in crocheted towels, pillow-cases,... Old base metal spoons Old china Old china v. 1 Oct. 1901-Sept. 1902 Old china v. 2 Oct. 1902-Sept. 1903 Old china v. 3 Oct. 1903-Sept. 1904 Old Chinese art objects, single color porcelain and pottery... Old Chinese lacquers on view November 10th. to December... Old Chinese porcelain Old Chinese porcelain and works of art in China : being... Old Dutch pottery and tiles Old English glass Old English plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic Old French plate Old glass and how to collect it Old Irish glass Old London silver, its history, its makers and its marks Old paste Old plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic Old plate, its makers & marks Old Sheffield plate Old silver platers and their marks Old world lace Origines de la dentelle de Venise et l'ecole de Burano Osztyák himzések = Painting and decorating Patrons de broderie et de lingerie du XVIe siècle Pédagogie des travaux à l'aiguille à l'usage... Point and pillow lace Points d'anciennes broderies anglaises Porcelain in the collection of Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the... Porcelains from the Robineau Pottery Pottery and porcelain Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations Pottery and procelain, from early times down to the... Pottery in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Practical graining and marbling Recherches sur l'impression des toiles dites "... Recueil d'alphabets Recueil de dessins d'orfevrerie du premier empire par... Register Rejeros españoles Report on the All India Handweaving Exhibition Repoussé metalwork Repoussé work or embossing on sheet brass Richardson's crocheted edgings and insertions Rings for the finger Rookwood Pottery Rough notes on pottery Royal Copenhagen porcelain Royal Sèvres china Schlesische gläser Scottish pewter-ware and pewterers Section française (class 84) Seto and Mino ceramics Shang bronzes in the Freer Gallery of Art Sheffield plate Sheffield plate, its history, manufacture and art Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next › last »