Books related to Handicraft Primary tabsAll Books(active tab) Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 51 - 100 of 471. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › last » Armor bronze Asian traditions in clay Bandboxes and shopping bags Batiks, and how to make them Belt folio Bernstein Bijutsukai Bijutsukai v. 37 (Mar. 1899) Bijutsukai v. 55 (Oct. 1900) Bronze memorials Buttons in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Cameo portraiture in America Camille Pernon Card loom weaving Catalogue of a collection of old embroideries of the Greek... Catalogue of a special exhibition of textiles Catalogue of an exhibition of British needlework from the... Catalogue of an exhibition of stained glass from the XIth... Catalogue of antique and medieval gems Catalogue of English silversmiths' work (with Scottish... Catalogue of samplers Catalogue of samplers, with 16 illustrations Catalogue of the collection of glass formed by Felix Slade Causeries sur l'histoire de la dentelle Ceramics by Picasso Ceramics from the world of Islam Ceramics, 1956 Charles T. Menge's price list of ornamental hair... Chats on old Sheffield plate Chats on old silver China and pottery marks Chinese porcelains from the Ardebil shrine Church embroidery Church embroidery Church needlework Clothing for women Colbert embroideries Collection d'anciennes étoffes Collection de broderies anciennes Collection de broderies anciennes Collections towards a history of pottery and porcelain, in... Comment reconnaître les porcelaines et les faïences d... Conspicuous waist Coutellerie de table et de luxe de Chatellerault Cross-stitch embroidery Cum Cutting and draping Dainty work for pleasure and profit Das Geschmeide, Schmuck- und Edelsteinkunde Das Glas Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 next › last »