Images related to Transportation and Communication Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 25 - 47 of 47. Show 10 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 music room and ship's band Open Car of the Metropolitan Street Railway of New York Open View of Brill's New Convertible Car with Round... Panama Railroad Panama railroad Passengers for the North of Ireland and London; Points of... Phenix Iron Foundry from History of the Old Colony Railroad. Rail and Channel Rates and Sailings cont. (Durham Cathedral... Railways cont.; Passengers for Rotterdam, Antwerp, The... Regular Service and German Mediterranean Service Return Tickets; Interchangeable Tickets; Foreign Money (... Round-End Seat Panel Sailings and Rates (Westminster Abbey and Tower of London... Scandinavian Ports, cont.; Special Information (S.S.... Scandinavian Ports, etc. (Kenilworth Castle Banqueting Hall... smoking-room for first cabin and chambre de luxe Special Information cont. (Grey Abbey Country Down and... stateroom for first cabin, ladies' saloon for second... Ten Bench Open Car on 21-E Truck The Fleet (S.S. Haverford and Merion picture) The Fleet: S. S. Westernland and S. S. Noordland (Salisbury... The Fleet: S.S. Haverford and Merion, S. S. Friesland (... Works of the J. G. Brill Co. at Philadelphia, PA Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2