Museum Day Live 2016 & Explore the Four
Join the Smithsonian Libraries and the wider Smithsonian community as we explore careers in museums, libraries and research through Museum Day Live 2016. Special events and opportunities will be held throughout the Smithsonian on March 12, 2016.
As part of the Smithsonian Libraries participation, we encourage visitors to "Explore the Four"! From 11 am to 1pm, visitors will receive a Smithsonian Libraries postcard and are encouraged to visit all four of the Libraries current exhibitions (Artists' Books and Africa, Color in a New Light, Come Together: American Artists Respond to Al-Mutanabbi Street, Fantastic Worlds: Science and Fiction, 1780-1910) for a unique stamp.
The first 20 people to visit all four exhibits will recieve a special bag of Smithsonian Libraries goodies. All participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the exhibits as well as discuss careers in museums and libraries with our staff.
Visit our staff at these locations:
- Artists' Books and Africa exhibition. National Museum of African Art, 950 Independence Ave, SW. Level 3.
- Color in a New Light exhibition. National Museum of Natural History, 10th Street and Constitution Ave, NW. Ground Floor, Evans Gallery (between gift shops).
- Come Together exhibition. American Art Museum/Portrait Gallery Library, Victor Building, 750 Ninth Street, NW.
- Fantastic Worlds: Science and Fiction, 1780-1910. National Museum of American History. 14th Street and Constitution Ave, NW. First Floor, West Wing.
Please see PDF map below for additional location information.