This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Architecture". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

... des Landhauses ...

... des Landhauses ...

A description of the general view of Athens

Plan of the Amphitheatre of Pola

A plan of the amphitheatre. Area, podium, space, prison in which animals were kept, staircases

Arch of the Sergii at Pola.

A plan of the arch

A section lengthways through the portico and the pronäus. Section of the pediment. Fillet. Cyma. Moulding on the corona of the cornice. Parthenon

A section through the vestibule or pronaus common to the Temple of Minerva, and to that of Pandrosus

A transverse section of the portico. Parthenon

Back of the Two Temples at Pola

A view from the back part of the two temples

Temple of Rome & Augustus at Pola

A view from the front of the Temple. Steps, pedestal

A view of the Acropolis, taken from the situation of the ancient Piräic Gate

A view of the aqueduct of Hadrian

A view of the aqueduct of Hadrian. Capital reversed. Side view. Section through front. Section through side. Moundlings of the architrave and of the...

A view of the aqueduct of Hadrian. The base, capital, and entabulature

A view of the aqueduct of Hadrian. The plan, elevation, and section of this frontispiece

A view of the Arch of Hadrian

A view of the Arch of Hadrian from The antiqvities of Athens.

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Capital and base of the Attic square columns. A section through the capital. The curve of the abacus. A section of the...

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Capital and base of the half columns

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Capital and bases of the antae at each extremity of the arch. A section through the front face of the capital

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Front of the capital. Lateral face of the capital

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Front of the pedestals. Front of the capital

A view of the Arch of Hadrian. Section through the centre of the arch, and of the niches. Elevation of one end of the arch

A view of the bridge over Illyssus, and the Stadium Panathenaicum. A view of the channel of the Ilissus, and of the bridge

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes.

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. A section

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. Flower on top of the tholus or cupola

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. Sections of the capital

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. Surface and sections of the tholus or cupola

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. The base of the column, with the circular zoccolos and...

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. The elevation of the building

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. The external face of the capital, with the entablature,...

A view of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, commonly called the Lanthorn of Demosthenes. The plan.

A view of the eastern portico of the Parthenon

Internal View of the Amphitheatre at Pola

A view of the inside of the Amphitheatre

A view of the Philopappos Monument

Arch of the Sergii at Pola

A view of the Porta Aurata

A view of the Temple at Corinth

A view of the Temple of Erechtheus

A view of the west end of the Temple of Minerva Polias, and of the Pandrosium

Alte façade und profil der kirche von zittau im unrestaurirten zustande ...

Alte façade und profil der kirche von zittau im unrestaurirten zustande ...

Amphitheatre at Pola

Amphitheatre at Pola from The antiqvities of Athens.

Ansicht der anordnung für die balkendecken in den sculpten saelen des museums.

Ansicht der anordnung für die balkendecken in den sculpten saelen des museums.

Ansicht der geraude des landhauses

Ansicht der geraude des landhauses

Ansicht der kirche der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. IV.

Ansicht der kirche der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. IV.

Ansicht der kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. V.

Ansicht der kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. V.

Ansicht des ganzen schlosses von glinicke. Nach der herstellung und erganzung.

Ansicht des ganzen schlosses von glinicke. Nach der herstellung und erganzung.


Cover of 35th annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall, Washington, D.C., June 27-July 1 & July 4-July8, 2001

35th annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall, Washington, D.C., June 27-July 1 & July 4-July8, 2001

Cover of A brief history of the glyptic art and architecture of Japan : together with a brief description of temples and shrines and a biography of eminent arc

A brief history of the glyptic art and architecture of Japan : together with a brief description of temples and shrines and a biography of eminent architects and sculptors

Cover of A history of architecture

A history of architecture v. 2

Cover of An open letter to the Kandyan chiefs

An open letter to the Kandyan chiefs
