Holst, Helge, Associated date(s): b. 1871. The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure Holst, Helge,; Kramers, Hendrik Anthony,; Lindsay, Robert Bruce,; Lindsay, Rachel T.; Rutherford, Ernest,; David H. DeVorkin Collection (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries) Gyldendal 1923 Read more about The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure
Associated date(s): b. 1871. The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure Holst, Helge,; Kramers, Hendrik Anthony,; Lindsay, Robert Bruce,; Lindsay, Rachel T.; Rutherford, Ernest,; David H. DeVorkin Collection (Smithsonian Institution. Libraries) Gyldendal 1923 Read more about The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure