The Resource Acquisitions department handles the purchase of books and journals, coordination of materials acquired through gift or exchange, loans of books and articles from other libraries (inter-library loan) and management of serials (journals) and serial subscriptions.
The Administrative Services Office (ASO) provides administrative support to all programs of the Smithsonian Libraries. The Finance and Administration (FA) provides administrative service and policy solutions to assist SLA Staff archive mission goals.
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Major support and hosting for the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is provided by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives (SLA). A founding member of the BHL consortium, SLA has hosted the BHL Program Director and Secretariat from BHL’s inception. Since 2015, SLA and the Smithsonian have provided hosting of the BHL technical infrastructure.
The Descriptive Data Management Librarian (DDM) provides expertise regarding descriptive data policies and best practices in shaping metadata strategies and plans.
Provides high quality digitization, project management, and curation services to develop and maintain our online book and image collections. The Department supports exhibitions, advancment, education, scholarly communications, and other projects and programs across the Libraries and the Instituion.
The Director's Office includes the Director, Deputy and Assistant Directors, as well as the Advancement Office.
Through our Education Department, we offer innovative programs, access to expansive digital collections and rare treasures, immersive classroom experiences, and professional opportunities for youth and graduate students considering careers in museum and libraries.
The Electronic Resources & Serials department manages our online research resources, discovery of such resources, and serials subscriptions.
The Outreach Department helps to share the Libraries' collections and expertise with the wider public. This team is responsible for coordinating social media, educational initiatives and internships and hosting tours and events.
Committed to the preservation, safe exhibition, and long-term access to the Smithsonian Libraries' collections.
With 21 library locations in most of the Smithsonian's museums and research centers, the Research Services Division manages the physical collections of the Libraries and serves the information needs of the Smithsonian's researchers, scholars, and the general public.
The Resource Description department includes Original Cataloging and Catalog Management
Provides resources necessary for research such as books, articles, dissertations, and microfilm not held by the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives through interlibrary loans.
Scholarly Communications staff manage Smithsonian Research Online which includes both the Smithsonian Research Bibliography and a repository of electronic texts corresponding to selected publications.
The Special Collections Department arranges, describes, houses, and provides access to the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections held in the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology and the Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Library of Natural History.
The Web Services and IT department is responsible for creation and maintenance of the Libraries' website and for other IT and computing services for the Libraries.