Ray, John

Cover of Historia plantarum v 1

Historia plantarum v 1

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 2

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 3

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Ray, John
Prostant apud Sam. Smith ad insignia principis in coemeterio D. Pauli
MDCXC [1690]
Cover of Historia plantarum v 1

Historia plantarum v 1

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 3

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum v 2

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Ray, John
Prostant apud Sam. Smith ad insignia principis in coemeterio D. Pauli
MDCXC [1690]
Cover of Historia plantarum v 1

Historia plantarum v 1

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany

In this work Ray describes some 18,000 plants and set up the species as the basic unit of taxonomy.

Cover of Historia plantarum

Historia plantarum

Ray, John; Camel, Georg Joseph; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
Typis Mariæ Clark, prostant apud Henricum Faithorne [etc.]

24. English Scientific Botany