History and Culture Books
Travel diaries of Eleanor Garnier Hewitt and Sarah Cooper Hewitt |
Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932] |
Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932] |
Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932] |
Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932] |
Marine engineering & shipping age Philadelphia Aldrich Pub. Co. in conjunction with Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co 1921-1935 |
Marine engineering & shipping age Philadelphia Aldrich Pub. Co. in conjunction with Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co 1921-1935 |
Marine engineering New York, N.Y Marine Pub. Co 1897-1906 |
Marine engineering New York, N.Y Marine Pub. Co 1897-1906 |
The book of trades, or, Library of the useful arts London Printed for R. Phillips, sold by J. Souter 1815 |
Minutes of proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution Woolwich, Eng The Institution 1858-1905 |
Parcs et jardins des environs de Paris : Nouveau recueil de plans de jardins et petits parcs, dessinés à... Paris Monrocq frères [185-?] |
The book of trades, or, Library of the useful arts London Printed for R. Phillips 1811 |
The book of trades, or, Library of the useful arts Whitehall [Pa.] Published by Jacob Johnson, and for sale at his book-stores in Philadelphia, and in Richmond,... 1807 |
Pacific era Detroit, Mich Pacific Era Pub. Co 1907-1908 |
Pacific era Detroit, Mich Pacific Era Pub. Co 1907-1908 |
The Atlantic monthly Boston Atlantic Monthly Co -[c1932] |
The East and West in art |
Galerie des modes et costumes français, dessinés d'après nature, 1778-1787 Paris É. Lévy [1912?] |
Galerie des modes et costumes français Paris É. Lévy [1912?] |
Galerie des modes et costumes français Paris É. Lévy [1912?] |