Dibner Library Manuscripts

first page of a handwritten letter from Galileo Galilei letter Nicolas Peiresc in 1635

This collection includes correspondence, study and laboratory books, notes, diaries, and hand-lettered texts by notable scientists from the 13th to the 20th centuries. Authors like Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Tycho Brahe, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein and many other significant scientific figures are represented. The manuscripts were carefully selected and originally collected by Bern Dibner (1897-1988) and complement his invaluable collection of rare books on the history of science that are now held by the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology.


Cover of Physica


Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Physica specialis

Physica specialis

Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Le Français de; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Physica v. 1

Physica v. 1

Kok, H.; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Poem


Colle, Francesco Maria,; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Poem


Diderot, Denis,; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Postcard


Cohn, Hermann Ludwig,; Kirchhoff, G.; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Postcard


Ditscheiner, Leander,; Reuss, August, Ritter von,; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of R. W. Bunsen's Vortrage über anorganische Experimentalchemie

R. W. Bunsen's Vortrage über anorganische Experimentalchemie

Bunsen, R.; Meder, Ferdinand; Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.). Library,
den 6/1 1876
Cover of Separatio elementorum ; Reductio et sublimatio

Separatio elementorum ; Reductio et sublimatio

Newton, Isaac; Burndy Library Manuscripts Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Soie naturelle

Soie naturelle

Liénard-Fiévet, Ch; R. V. B.
