Adopted Books

Displaying 961 - 970 of 970 adopted books..




By Galileo Galilei. In Fiorenza: Per Gio: Batista Landini, MDCXXXII. [1632].

Adopted on October 15, 2011 by Gail Enfiajian in Honor of the Enfiajian Family Grandchildren

Journal of a voyage to Greenland, in the year 1821

Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in the Year 1821

By George William Manby. London: Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1823.

Adopted on October 3, 2011 by Katherine Neville

Archimedis opera quae extant. Novis demonstrationibus commentariisquae illustrata.

Archimedis Opera Quae Extant

By Archimedes. Parisiis: Apud Claudium Morellum ..., 1615.

Adopted on May 22, 2011 by Lowell Robinson

Lectures on the science of astronomy, explanatory and demonstrative- which were first delivered at various places in New-Jersey, in the year 1820.

Lectures on the Science of Astronomy, Explanatory and Demonstrative : Which Were First Delivered at Various Places in New-Jersey, in the Year 1820

By David Young. Morris-town [N.J.]: Printed for the author, by J. Mann, 1821.

Adopted on March 27, 2011 by Charles Lada

Designs for the Pavillon at Brighton

By Humphry Repton. London: Printed for J.C. Stadler ... and sold by Boydell and Co. ... [et al.] : The letter press by T. Bensley ..., 1808.

Adopted on March 25, 2011 by Edith W. MacGuire

The History of Physick

By John Freind. London: Printed for J. Walthoe ..., 1726-1727.

Adopted on July 1, 2010 by Winfred O. Ward in honor of his family

Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution

New York: Garland Pub., 2000.

Adopted on June 25, 2010 by George Gwynn Hill

Des Ritters Carl von Linne...vollstandigen Natursystem...

Des Ritters Carl von Linné ... Vollständiges Natursystem

By Carl von Linné. Nürnberg: bey Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, 1773-1775.

Adopted on April 13, 2010 by Gail Enfiajian in honor of Bill May

Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament

By J. B. Waring. London: Day & Son, [1865].

Adopted on July 1, 2009 by Suzanne Carroll

Information for the People

By Robert Sears. New York: R. Sears, 1847.

Adopted on July 1, 2009 by Mary Augusta Thomas in memory of Richard G. Thomas
