Archæological Researches in Costa Rica
Archæological researches in Costa Rica / by C.V. Hartman; illustrations by J. Cederquist
Considered a publication of exceptional value, this thorough study of Costa Rican archaeology investigates graves and burial mounds, pottery vessels, and buildings. The author spent over a year working in the field, both on the Atlantic coast and the interior of the country. The volume is beautifully illustrated with 87 plates and over 400 text illustrations. Formerly a copy held by the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, the volume is inscribed to anthropologist “Professor F.W. Putnam, with compliments of the author.”
Considerado una publicación de valor excepcional, este estudio exhaustivo de la arqueología costarricense investiga tumbas y túmulos funerarios, vasijas de cerámica y edificios. El autor pasó más de un año trabajando en el campo, tanto en la costa atlántica como en el interior del país. El volumen está bellamente ilustrado con 87 placas y más de 400 ilustraciones de texto. Anteriormente una copia del Museo Peabody de Arqueología y Etnología Estadounidenses, el volumen está inscrito en el antropólogo "Professor F.W. Putnam, con cumplidos del autor".
This is an early-20th century cloth bound volume. The case suffers from insect damage and has multiple tears on the spine. The board edges are also worn with the board at the corners exposed. Conservators will reback the volume, relining the spine. The areas of wear will be repaired using toned Japanese paper.
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Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future