Banana Gold
Banana gold
This is a charming account of the author’s impressions of Central American natural and social geography in the early 20th century. Carleton Beals was a progressive journalist who traveled extensively throughout Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, during times of political and social strife in the 1920s and 30s. The Art Deco illustrations of Carlos Merida beautifully complement the picturesque descriptions of small village life and the tropics.
Note: From the library of Alexander Wetmore, Sixth Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
*Este es un relato encantador de las apresiaciones del autor sobre la geografía natural y social centroamericana a principios del siglo XX. Carleton Beals fue una periodista progresista que viajó extensamente por Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras, durante tiempos de conflictos políticos y sociales en los años 1920 y 30. Las ilustraciones art déco de Carlos Mérida complementan maravillosamente las pintorescas descripciones de la vida de las pequeñas aldeas y los trópicos.
Nota: De la biblioteca de Alexander Wetmore, Sexto Secretario de la Institución Smithsonian.
This early 20th-century publisher's binding has gold stamping on the front cover and spine. The inner gutters are cracked, exposing the spine lining. The spine lining is weak and failing. The head and tail of the spine are weak and beginning to split. Conservators will remove the textblock from the case to clean and reline the spine. The spine of the case will be reinforced. The textblock will then be recased in the repaired cover, retaining the decorative endpapers.
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Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future