De Negerstaat Van Hayti of Sint Domingo
De Negerstaat van Hayti of Sint Domingo : geschetst in zijne geschiedenis en in zijnen tegenwoordigen toestand : naar het Engelsche der Quarterly review, en naar het Fransche geschrift des Negers, Baron de Vastey, minister des gewezen Konings Christophe (Henri I.) : benevens een aanhangsel van aardrijks- en geschiedkundige ophelderingen : met eene kaart van St. Domingo
This is an extremely rare work (only four copies in North America) on the history and present state of the Negroes of Haiti, published shortly after they gained their independence from France. It draws on the works of — or possibly was written by — Pompée Valentin Vastey, a mixed-race Haitian writer, educator, and politician who wrote scathingly of the abuses and atrocities committed by colonial slave-owners on the island. The book includes a map of "the island of Santo Domingo," now the separate countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Original pink speckled paste-paper over boards with a printed spine label. Text-block sewing intact but weak. Paper loss along the spine and both front and back boards; damage to the edges and corners. Back board held in place by one of two sewing tapes. Front end-papers are tearing. Conservators will create a custom clam-shell box to ensure long-term protection of the volume and will preserve original binding materials and sewing structures whenever possible.
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Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future