Hebrew Prayer Book for Rosh Ha-Shanah

Hebrew Prayer Book for Rosh Ha-Shanah
Adopted for Conservation by
Michelle & David Baldacci
in honor of Aaron Priest on his 80th birthday
on April 8, 2018
Page of prayer book

Hebrew prayer book for Rosh ha-Shanah [manuscript] [ca. 1920?]

Though the binding has the name S. Cohen, the scribe of this beautifully written Jewish prayer book is unknown. Containing just 7 leaves of text written on vellum, this small prayer book contains selected prayers for use during the High Holy Days.  With sparse decoration within, it is the faith and meaning held in the words that shines. 

Condition and Treatment: 

A small (7.5cm x 8cm) embossed and gold tooled leather volume. The spine is partially detached. The text is handwritten in vellum. There are acidic leaves at the front and back of the book. Conservators will repair the cover and re-sew the text. The textblock will be re-cased in the repaired cover. A clamshell box will be created that is larger than the diminutive volume in order to protect it on the shelf.

Discover more about this book in our Catalog.

Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future