
Samarkande - 20 compositions en couleurs dans le style oriental
Adoption Amount: $3,125
Category: Build and Access the Collection
Location: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Library

Samarkande : 20 compositions en couleurs dans le style oriental

By E. A. Séguy. Paris: Ch. Massin, éditeur ..., between 1920 and 1922.

Emile-Allain Séguy (1877-1951) was one of the foremost French designers at the beginning of the 20th century, creating examples of ornamentation to inspire artists and designers based on the natural world, including flowers, foliage, crystals, insects, and animals. Working in both the Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles, he published many design folios utilizing the pochoir technique, a printing process that employs a series of stencils to lay dense and vivid color. Samarkande is a portfolio of decoration and ornament reflecting Oriental influences.

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