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There 3 books available for adoption.

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des épimaques

Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis et des Épimaques

Build and Access the Collection - $5,000
Ever since the surviving ship of Magellan's fleet returned to Spain in 1522 with birds of paradise, all specimens known in Europe through the 18th century were prepared and preserved by native collectors with the bones and feet removed. As a result, Linnaeus' Systema Naturae (10th ed., 1758) gave...Read More
Les trochilidées, ou, les colibris et les oiseaux-mouches

Les Trochilidées, ou, les Colibris et les Oiseaux-Mouches

Build and Access the Collection - $5,250
René Primevère Lesson, having served as surgeon/pharmacist/naturalist on the round-the-world scientific voyage of the Coquille (1822-1825), subsequently published several works in ornithology and mammalogy. Les Trochilidées is the third and last volume of his classic work on hummingbirds, and its...Read More
Book Cover

The Passenger Pigeon

Build and Access the Collection - $500
“There would be days and days when the air was alive with them, hardly a break occurring in a flock for half a day at a time. Flocks stretched as far as a person could see, one tier above another. I think it would be safe to say that millions could have been seen at the same time.” (The Passenger...Read More