We Buy Old Gold
We buy old gold; an album of cartoons
“Would you mind acting as though you just discovered a gold mine?” Cartoonist George Price finds the humor in the everyday and pokes fun at people from all walks of life. Price is best known for his 60-year career as a cartoonist for The New Yorker; he was one of the early artists who shaped the look and feel of the magazine. He preferred to work with a quill pen and ink, and a 1940 Life Magazine article referred to his characteristic "slithery line." We Buy Old Gold is a compendium of classic Price cartoons, and the Smithsonian Libraries’ first edition retains its original dust jacket. Adopting this book is like striking gold!
This is a mid-20th-century volume bound in a cloth publisher's binding with the original dust jacket. The dust jacket is torn. Conservators will repair the dust jacket using Japanese paper and reversible wheat starch paste. A custom enclosure will then be created to house this delicate item.
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Adoption Type: Preserve for the Future