Category: Build and Access the Collection
Location: National Air and Space Museum Library
Zeppelin-Weltfahrten : vom ersten Luftschiff 1899 bis zu den Fahrten des LZ127 "Graf Zeppelin" 1932 : dargestellt in einer Sammlung von 264 echten Bromsilber-Bildern und einem Metallfolie-bild der Weltflug-Gedenkmünze, bk. 1
This is book 1, the first of two volumes containing collections of cigarette cards that are souvenirs of the zeppelin age. Cigarette cards were used by cigarette companies to stiffen cigarette packaging and to advertise their brand. Due to their unique design and limited printing, they often became collectibles. This collection includes cards featuring pictures of zeppelins and images taken while the photographer was in a zeppelin. Notable photographs include the Italian Alps and Mediterranean Sea.
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