Books related to Handicraft Primary tabsAll Books(active tab) Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 250 of 471. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages1 2 next › last » 2500 ̊F 60 planches d'orfèvrerie de la collection de Paul... A Basketmaker in rural Japan A book of old embroidery A Collection of distinctive hand-block printed linens... A descriptive and illustrative catalogue of Chinese bronzes... A descriptive catalogue of the collections of tapestry and... A dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang... A guide through the Royal Porcelain Works A guide through the Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester A history and description of French porcelain A history and description of the old French faïence, with... A history of hand-made lace A lace guide for makers and collectors A lecture on stained glass A list of early American silversmiths and their marks A manual of marks on pottery and porcelain A manual of plain needlework and cutting-out A new elucidation of the subjects on the celebrated... A Selection of Chinese carvings A supplemental descriptive catalogue of specimens of lace... A technical history of the manufacture of Venetian laces (... A.E. Brooks's collection of antique guns, pistols, etc... Album de broderies au point de croix Album de broderies au point de croix v. 1 Album de broderies au point de croix v. 2 Album de broderies au point de croix v. 3 Album de dentelle de Venise Album de filet brodé Album de guipure d'Irlande v.1-6 All that glisters Alphabete für die Stickerin Alphabets old and new, for the use of craftsmen Amateur work, illustrated Amateur work, illustrated n.s. v.2 1890 Amateur work, illustrated n.s. v.3 1891 Amateur work, illustrated v. 1 [1881] Amateur work, illustrated v. 2 [1883] Amateur work, illustrated v. 3 Amateur work, illustrated v. 4 [1886] Amateur work, illustrated v. 5 Amateur work, illustrated v. 6 Amateur work, illustrated v. 7 [1887] American silversmiths and their marks, III An embroidery book An embroidery pattern book An exhibition of samplers given by Arthur S. Vernay in... Ancient glass in the Freer Gallery of Art Ancient Iranian metalwork in the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery... Anna Dike Scott collection of old lace Armor bronze Asian traditions in clay Bandboxes and shopping bags Batiks, and how to make them Belt folio Bernstein Bijutsukai Bijutsukai v. 37 (Mar. 1899) Bijutsukai v. 55 (Oct. 1900) Bronze memorials Buttons in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Cameo portraiture in America Camille Pernon Card loom weaving Catalogue of a collection of old embroideries of the Greek... Catalogue of a special exhibition of textiles Catalogue of an exhibition of British needlework from the... Catalogue of an exhibition of stained glass from the XIth... Catalogue of antique and medieval gems Catalogue of English silversmiths' work (with Scottish... Catalogue of samplers Catalogue of samplers, with 16 illustrations Catalogue of the collection of glass formed by Felix Slade Causeries sur l'histoire de la dentelle Ceramics by Picasso Ceramics from the world of Islam Ceramics, 1956 Charles T. Menge's price list of ornamental hair... Chats on old Sheffield plate Chats on old silver China and pottery marks Chinese porcelains from the Ardebil shrine Church embroidery Church embroidery Church needlework Clothing for women Colbert embroideries Collection d'anciennes étoffes Collection de broderies anciennes Collection de broderies anciennes Collections towards a history of pottery and porcelain, in... Comment reconnaître les porcelaines et les faïences d... Conspicuous waist Coutellerie de table et de luxe de Chatellerault Cross-stitch embroidery Cum Cutting and draping Dainty work for pleasure and profit Das Geschmeide, Schmuck- und Edelsteinkunde Das Glas Das Webebild in der Manesse-Handschrift und seine... De la poterie gauloise Dentelles et guipures Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen Der schmuck Design by the yard Dictionnaire de la céramique Dictionnaire des marques et monogrammes des faiences,... Die antiken Gläser des Herrn Oskar Zettler zu München Die Geschichte der Textilkunst nebst Text zu den 160 Tafeln... Die Graeber- und Textilfunde von Achmim-Panopolis Die Krone der kunstfertigen Frauen Die Kunst der Goldstickerei nebst einer Anleitung zur... Die schmiedekunst seit dem ende der renaissance Die Vorrichtungskunst der Werkstühle Die Vorrichtungskunst der Werkstühle Die Vorrichtungskunst der Werkstühle : für die gesammte... Die Zinngiesser der Schweiz und ihr Werk Bd. 2 Directions for making Poncetto lace Dutch pottery and porcelain Dutch pottery and porcelain Early American silver marks Ein new Kunst-Büchlein Embroidered samplers in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt... Embroidery Embroidery and lace Embroidery hints: Fall and Winter 1910 Enamel English goldsmiths and their marks English goldsmiths and their marks English metal work English silver, 1675-1825 Engraved gems, signets, talismans and ornamental intaglios Explanation of Japanese village and its inhabitants Exposición de hierros antiguos españoles Exposition du décor moderne de l'horlogerie et de la... Études et rapports techniques sur la bijouteri Faìences hollandaises, XVIIe - XVIIIe - debut XIXes Faìences hollandaises, XVIIe - XVIIIe - debut XIXes T. 1 Faìences hollandaises, XVIIe - XVIIIe - debut XIXes T. 2 Fashion plates in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Fifteenth-century glass in the chancel window of St. Peter... Fine silverplated ware First lessons in batik Folding fans in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Fourteenth-century blue-and-white Vol.2 no.1 (1952) French pottery and porcelain From concept to context Furniture upholstering Furniture upholstery for schools Führer für sammler von Porzellan und Fayence, Steinzeug,... Gaspard Grégoire et ses velours d'art Georg Jensen Gilda aurifabrorum Gilda aurifabrorum a history of English goldsmiths and... Glass Glass in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum : the... Glorious glass at St. John's Church, Gouda Gold und Silber Gothic alphabets Graesse-Jaenicke Grammaire des arts de la soie Grundriss der keramik in bezug auf das kunstgewerbe Guide de l'amateur de porcelaines et de faiences (y... Guide to the Japanese textiles v. 1 Hall marks on gold & silver plate Hall marks on gold and silver plate Hall marks on gold and silver plate Hand book to foreign hall marks on gold and silver plate Hand-wrought jewelry Handbook of marks on pottery & porcelain Handbook of tissue paper work Handbuch der glasmalerei für forscher Handbuch der Spitzenkunde, Technisches und Geschichtliches... Hierros artísticos espanoles de los siglos XII al XVIII Histoire de l'art de la verrerie dans l'antiquité Histoire de l'orfévrerie depuis les temps les plus... Histoire de la céramique Histoire de la verrerie et de l'émaillerie Histoire des manufactures françaises de porcelaine History of ancient pottery v. 2 History of lace History of old Sheffield plate History of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers of the City... Home decoration Hosiery manufacture How to do beadwork I singolari e nuovi disegni per lavori di bianchería Ikebana rinpon Illustrated catalogue of lamps, gas fixtures, &c Illustrated catalogue of rare and beautiful Sixteenth and... Illustrated handbook of information on pewter and Sheffield... Inrō fu Ironwork v. 3 Ishidōrō shukuzu Islamic metalwork in the Freer Gallery of Art Italian drawings for jewelry, 1700-1875 Ivories ancient and mediæval Ivory and the elephant in art, in archaeology, and in... Jacobean crewel work and traditional designs Japanese lacquer Japanese marks and seals Japanese pottery : with notes describing the thoughts and... Japanese swords Jean-Baptiste Nini, sa vie--son œuvre, 1717-1786 Katalog der Gewebesammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseum Katalog der Gewebesammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseum... Katalog der Gewebesammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseum... Katalog frühchristlicher Textilfunde des Jahres 1886 Keichō irai shintō bengi Keichō irai shintō bengi Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 2 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 3 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 4 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 5 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 6 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 7 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 8 Keichō irai shintō bengi v. 9 Keys and locks in the collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Kleinasiatische stickereien Knitted fabrics Kotō meitsukushi taizen Kotō meitsukushi taizen Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 2 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 3 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 4 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 5 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 6 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 7 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 8 Kotō meitsukushi taizen v. 9 Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Künstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei... Kwagawa [i.e. Kwanko]-zusetsu = L'art de la verrerie L'art de la verrerie L'ébénisterie L'industrie dentelière française spécialement en... L'Industrie des tulles & dentelles mécaniques... La céramique italienne La dentelle La dentelle aux fuseaux La dentelle renaissance La Frivolité La gravure en pierres fines Pages1 2 next › last »