Image ID: SIL-SIL7-290-01_edit
Cite this: Thornton, Robert John. 1807. New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus : comprehending an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification ; a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants, a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system ; and the temple of flora, or garden of nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants, illustrative of the same, with descriptions, London : Printed, for the publisher, by T. Bensley.
Original Caption: "The Universal Empire of Love" (Cupid) And thou, divine Linnaaeus trac'd my Reign.O'er Trees and Plants and Flora's Beauteous Train. Proved them obedient to my soft Controul soft. And gaily breathe the aromatic soul. - Charlotte Lennox