Search Only Images Visit Image Gallery FAQ page Visit Image Gallery FAQ imggal_sm2.png Swallows, fruits, and vegetables from Cole's garden annual Download this image Image ID: SIL-SIL08-30470-b-000002 Cite this: COLE, E.M. 1893. Cole's garden annual no. 1893, 1894, 1895, 1902, 1903, 1908, 1909, 1918, Pella IA. Supplied Caption: Swallows, fruits, and vegetables Subject(s): Seeds, Trade catalogs Tag(s): birds, Cabbages, Corn, Cucumbers, Houses, Onions, Pumpkins, Watermelons, Seed and Nursery Catalogs Collection(s): Seed and Nursery Catalogs Topic(s): Horticulture and Gardening Find in: Library Catalog Download: Image No Copyright - United States Request copy of image How can I use this image?