This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Biology". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Cover of A study guide in general science and biology for the Smithsonian scientific series

A study guide in general science and biology for the Smithsonian scientific series

Cover of Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington

Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington no. 1 (1918)

Image Gallery

Adulto (ingrandito circa cinque volte).

Adulto (ingrandito circa cinque volte) from Bollettino del Laboratorio di zoologia generale e agraria della R. Scuola superiore d'agricoltura in Portici.

Brook trout; speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis.

Brook trout; speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis from Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries.

Caïmans ou Alligators du Mississipi.

Caïmans ou Alligators du Mississipi from Jardin des Plantes, Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.

Collared Peccary.

Collared Peccary from The quadrupeds of North America.

De Rhinocerote.

De Rhinocerote from Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium Lib. I. de quadrupedibus uiuiparis.


Dolphin from The animal creation: a popular introduction to zoology.

Educated Orang-Utans dining.

Educated Orang-Utans dining from New York Zoological Park.

Erinaceus europaeus Linn.

Erinaceus europaeus Linn from Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen.

Fiddler (Gelasimus vocator)

Fiddler (Gelasimus vocator) from The animal life of our seashore.


Frogs from Biologia Centrali-Americana, Reptilia and Batrachia.

Giant squid of the Newfoundland Banks. From a painting by Herbert B. Judy.

Giant squid of the Newfoundland Banks. From a painting by Herbert B. Judy from Sea-shore life.

Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) from Annual report.

Great Warty Newt.

Great Warty Newt from Our reptiles and batrachians.

Horseshoe crab.

Horseshoe crab from The animal life of our seashore.

Killer Whale (Orca gladiator).

Killer Whale (Orca gladiator) from Bulletin - United States National Museum.

Lacerta Chamaeleon. The Chameleon.

Lacerta Chamaeleon from Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina.

Male elephant seal sixteen feet long.

Male elephant seal sixteen feet long from Zoological Society bulletin.

Napœa frequens Actoris.

Napœa frequens Actoris from Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge.

Oregon Flying Squirrel.

Oregon Flying Squirrel from The quadrupeds of North America.

Pileated Woodpecker.

Pileated Woodpecker from Bird guide. pt. 2, Land birds east of the Rockies, from parrots to bluebirds.


Portrait of Aristotle from Scientific Identity: Portraits from the Dibner Library of History and Technology.


Reptilia from Herpetology.

Tadpoles. Pelobates, Bufo, Hyla

Tadpoles. Pelobates, Bufo, Hyla from The tailless batrachians of Europe.

The author emerging from a cave at Oeno Atoll with two Whitetip Reef Sharks.

The author emerging from a cave at Oeno Atoll with two Whitetip Reef Sharks from Atoll research bulletin.

The California Gray Whale (Rhachianectes glaucus).

The California Gray Whale (Rhachianectes glaucus) from The marine mammals of the north-western coast of North America, described and illustrated; together with an account of the American whale-fishery.


Thylacine from Guide to the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.

Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) Florida.

Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) Florida from Zoological Society bulletin.