This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Cartography". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Image Gallery A map of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands from The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. A Map of the World from A new voyage round the world. Adjacent parts of North America and Asia from Alaskan boundary tribunal. Australia and New South Wales from Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. Cosmographia Petri Apiani Crater on East Maui, called by the natives Haleakala or House of the Sun from Narrative of the United States exploring expedition. Environs of Cairo from Egypt: Handbook for Travellers. Map of the Western and Middle Portions of North America from Alaskan boundary tribunal. Plano General de la fortaleza de la Alhambra from Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra. Prima Pars from Petri Apiani Cosmographia.