This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Cephalopoda". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.

Image Gallery

Octopodes. Tremoctopus violaceus.

Depiction of a blanket octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Decapodes. Sepia officinalis.

Depiction of a common cuttlefish, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Sepia officinalis.

Depiction of a common cuttlefish, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Sepiola Rondeletii.

Depiction of a dwarf bobtail squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Loligo vulgaris

Depiction of a European squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Argonauta Argo.

Depiction of a greater argonaut octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Argonauta Argo

Depiction of a greater argonaut octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Decapodes. Loligopsis Veranii.

Depiction of a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Loligopsis Veranii.

Depiction of a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon moschatus.

Depiction of a octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Loligo sagittata.

Depiction of a squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Loligo todarus.

Depiction of a squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Loligo Sagittata

Depiction of a squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a, Enoploteuthis margaritifera. b, E. Veranii. c d, E. Owenii.

Depiction of a squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Octopus macropus.

Depiction of an Atlantic white-spotted octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. 1 e 2. Octopus tetracirrhus. 3. Oct. Alderii

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon Genei.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon Aldrovandi.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon Aldrovandi.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon moschatus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Eledon moschatus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Octopus tetracirrhus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Octopus Salutii.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Octopus Cocco.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Octopodes. Tremoclopus violaceus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Octopodes. A, B, C. Octopus KoelliKerii.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Octopodes. Octopus catenulatus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Octopodes. Octopus catenulatus.

Depiction of an octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Decapodes. Histioteuthis Bonelliana.

Depiction of an umbrella squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Histioteuthis Ruppelii.

Depiction of an umbrella squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Histioteuthis Ruppelii

Depiction of an umbrella squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a...c. Rossia macrosoma, d...h R. dispar.

Depiction of bobtail shrimp, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a...e. Sepia elegans. f...k S. Bisserialis.

Depiction of common cuttlefish, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Verania sicula.

Depiction of mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. a. Octopus Cocco, b.c. Octopus tuberulatus.

Depiction of octopuses, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Octopodes. 1. Octopus velifer. 2,3. O. Carena

Depiction of octopuses, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea.

Decapodes. Loligo Marmorae.

Depiction of squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a b Loligo aequipoda. c...e L. Meneghinii. f...h L. Alessandrinii. i...l L. Bianconii.

Depiction of squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a...c, Onychoteuthis Lichtensteinii, d...h O. Krohnii

Depiction of squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. Sepioteuthis sicula.

Depiction of squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Decapodes. a...c Loligo Coindetii, d...g L. Pillae, h...k L. Berthelotii

Depiction of squid, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Octopodes. Octopus vulgaris.

Depiction of the common octopus, a mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea

Hectocotyle. Fig 1 a 5, Hectocotylus Octopodis, Fig 6 a 11, H. Argonautae, Fig 12 a 14, H. Tremoctopodis

Mollusk identified by the author in the Mediterranean Sea