This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Coulon, Eric De". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.

Image Gallery

Advertisement. France, 1925-35. Catalogue cover for motor oil, introducing the wheels of a machine as part of the design. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Catalog cover. France, 1925-25. Skyline of New York City in the United States advertising the publishing house, Larousse. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Design for Paris department store, Au Bon Marché. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Femina Noel by Eric de Coulon.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Cover of Femina. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Femina by Eric de Coulon.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Femina by Eric de Coulon.

Catalogue cover. France, 1925-35. Toilettes. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Magazine cover. France, 1925-35. Design for Christmas issue of Femina de Noel. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Magazine cover. France, 1925-35. Femina de Noel by Eric de Coulon.

Magazine cover. France, 1925-35. Lecture Pour Tous. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Magazine cover. France, 1925-35. Study of a pig for "Vie a la Campagne" (Life in the Country), by Eric de Coulon, designer.

Poster. France, 1925-35. Advertising for Jeumont, electric. Featuring a "J" shaped like a smoke stack. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Poster. France, 1925-35. Eagle hovers in the design of a German brand of margarine. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Poster. France, 1925-35. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Poster. France, 1925-35. The publishing house, Larousse, advertising their new collection of aeronautic books. Eric de Coulon, designer.

Poster. France, France, 1925-35. Advertising a European Railway. Eric de Coulon.