This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "History". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.



Cover of A collection of geographical, astronomical, and astrological problems

A collection of geographical, astronomical, and astrological problems

Cover of A history of travel in America

A history of travel in America

Cover of A history of travel in America v.1 (1915)

A history of travel in America v.1 (1915)

Cover of A history of travel in America v.2 (1915)

A history of travel in America v.2 (1915)

Cover of A history of travel in America v.3 (1915)

A history of travel in America v.3 (1915)

Cover of A history of travel in America v.4 (1915)

A history of travel in America v.4 (1915)

Cover of Addenda


Cover of Admission ticket to the distribution of the rewards of the Society of Arts

Admission ticket to the distribution of the rewards of the Society of Arts

Cover of Annotata physicalia

Annotata physicalia

Cover of Aristotelis logicam

Aristotelis logicam

Cover of Attendance list

Attendance list

Cover of Autobiography


Cover of Autograph list

Autograph list

Cover of Autograph signatures

Autograph signatures

Cover of Bergbaukunst


Cover of Card


Cover of Card


Cover of Check


Cover of Correspondence


Cover of Correspondence


Cover of Correspondence


Cover of Cours de physique

Cours de physique

Cover of Cristallographie


Cover of De litterarum maino[?] et impressis matheseos studio non spernendo

De litterarum maino[?] et impressis matheseos studio non spernendo

Cover of Dialogo delle cose meteo[ro]logiche

Dialogo delle cose meteo[ro]logiche

Cover of Document


Cover of Document


Cover of Document


Cover of Drawings illustrating the Lowell Lectures on comparative embryology

Drawings illustrating the Lowell Lectures on comparative embryology

Cover of Elements of geometry

Elements of geometry

Cover of Fisica gener[a]le e sperim[enta]le

Fisica gener[a]le e sperim[enta]le

Cover of H. Letrillard St. Elme, garde principal de la Garde indigene congo-francais

H. Letrillard St. Elme, garde principal de la Garde indigene congo-francais

Cover of Historical account of the substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas from the earliest date to the invention of paper

Historical account of the substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas from the earliest date to the invention of paper

Cover of Journal of year 1815 ; [Journal for 1816]

Journal of year 1815 ; [Journal for 1816]

Cover of Kansas; its interior and exterior life

Kansas; its interior and exterior life

Cover of Kunstbuech der Puchsenmeisterey [sic]

Kunstbuech der Puchsenmeisterey [sic]

Cover of L'explication du fusil à aiguille

L'explication du fusil à aiguille

Cover of Letter


Cover of Letter


Cover of Letter


Image Gallery

A map of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands.

A map of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands from The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands.

A roller skating rink pays better than you think.

A roller skating rink pays better than you think from The Street railway journal.

Another 20-H.P. runabout.

Another 20-H.P. runabout from American Homes and Gardens

Ball rackets. Shinny ball and stick.

Ball rackets. Shinny ball and stick from Bulletin -- Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology.

Carrying crated chickens and eggs to market.

Carrying crated chickens and eggs to market from American homes and gardens.

Coxcatlan Cave during the dry season.

Coxcatlan Cave during the dry season from The prehistory of the Tehuacan Valley.

Drawings of diamonds.

Drawings of diamonds from The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier.

Elevation des thermes de l'Empereur Diocletien…. Elevation of the baths of the Emperor Diocletian .... Engravings from the first comparative history of world architecture.

Elevation des thermes de l'Empereur Diocletien from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur.

Late black-on-white ware ollas from Kin Tiel.

Late black-on-white ware ollas from Kin Tiel from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections.

Les ruines de Palmyre. The ruins of Palmyra. Syria. Engravings from the first comparative history of world architecture.

Les ruines de Palmyre from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur.
