This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Machinery". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages1 2 3 next › last » Image Gallery Ad Lectorem Back cover, vellum Booth at Liege Exposition. Belgium, 1930. Displays of French metallurgical interests. René Herbst, designer. Booth at Liege Exposition. Belgium, 1930. Displays of French metallurgical interests. René Herbst, designer. Display booth, Liege Exposition. Belgium, 1930. A large quanitity of metal materials. René Herbst, designer. Display booth. Paris, n.d. Les Produits Morti. Interior of insect, pest and rat extermination poison booth. Display exhibition. Paris, n.d. Le Grand Maison de Blanc department store. Display exhibition. Paris, n.d. Le Grand Maison de Blanc department store. Display of shop sign. Paris, n.d. Exhibiting poultry and dinnerware at "Au Chien Vert" (At the Green Dog") restaurant. Display, fragment of the hunter's pavilion. Krakow, Poland, ca. 1929. Krakow Exposition. Display. Paris, n.d. Chocolat Pupier. Exhibition book with shelves displaying individual chocolate bars. Display. Paris, n.d. Group of bathers, by Siégel with ocean screen as background. Exhibition booth at the Liege Exposition. Belgium, 1930. Exhibition for the display of gross metals at the section of French metallurgical interests.... Exhibition booth at the Liege Exposition. Belgium, 1930. Exhibition for the display of gross metals at the section of French metallurgical interests.... Exhibition booth of Louis Ortet. Paris, n.d. Mattresses and seating displayed, with spring-like design for the backdrop. Exhibition booth. Paris, circa 1927. Columbia, exhibiting musical instruments. Exhibition booth. Paris, circa 1927. Columbia, exhibiting musical instruments. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Cornelius Heyl Worms. Designed by Siégel. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Decca booth displaying record players. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Filature de la Redoute, exhibiting spindles of wool. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Frigidaire, refrigeration electrique automatique, displaying refrigerators Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Goodrich home supplies store. Exhibition booth, displaying various paint cans, radiator covers and hand tools. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Les Parfums D'Isabey, displaying bottles of Parisian perfume. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Metal Radio, showing a reception area. Compagnie des Lampes. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Metal Radio, showing a reception area. Compagnie des Lampes. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Odeon, Industrie Musicale. Exhibition booth, displaying various musical instruments, alongside records and phonographs. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. Singer. Exhibition booth. Paris, n.d. xhibition booth of Studio of Aux Trois Quartiers. Designed by A. Brodorteh. Exhibiton booth. Paris, n.d. Huile Lesieur. exhibiting bottles of wine. Exhibiton booth. Paris, n.d. Huntley & Palmers biscuits. Front Cover, Vellum Machinarvm Hvivsthca Mannequin in shop window. Paris, n.d. at the Salon d'Automne by Siégel. Plate 1 [Measuring instruments] Plate 10 [Stone and marble cutter] Plate 11 [Bellows and furnace] Plate 12 [Hand-cranked hammer] Plate 13 [Hand-cranked sawmill] Plate 14 [Hand-powered sawmill] Plate 15 [Handcart] Plate 16 [Horse-drawn Carriage] Plate 17 [Suspended horse-drawn carriage] Plate 18 [Spring operated pump] Plate 19 [Multi-liquid barrel and spigot] Plate 2 [Measuring instruments] Book Catalogue of New South Wales exhibits Handbook of practical formulas Machine et instrumenti de piu celebratissimi autori On the economy of machinery and manufactures Plant and product of the Mesta Machine Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A Pages1 2 3 next › last »